iPhone Heads North

During my walk with iPhone through Lincoln Park Zoo, iPhone decided that we should visit the lily pond. It was a nice day, and I was feeling pretty good, so I didn’t protest.

The Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool is just north of the zoo and is a great place to just chill out. iPhone, however, thought it was a great place to take pictures. Of course, iPhone thinks every place is a great place to take pictures. He’s become obsessed. Or possessed. Not sure which.

This is a nice place to sit and rest, read, pray, write… just about anything to relax. Unless you’re iPhone. He just gets all crazy and starts snapping shots of everything.

Of course, there is the lily pool. Which has lilies. And probably fish. But fish are evil, so I didn’t get close. I was kinda struck by the bare tree across the pond. It was just this giant stick with an afro on top.

Some of the stone landscaping. I think was part of a water fountain.

This is a different angle of the pavilion and some of the stonework around it.

The pavilion from the other side of the pool.

Lilies and stonework. And hidden evil fish.

Some ducks chilling on the stones.

The path.

I have to remember to go back earlier in the spring to get some of the blooming flowers.

All photos were taken by me, Letricia Brooks. Feel free to use them for whatever you want. Attribution or a link back to my site would be nice, but not required.


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