E:A Vol 8 Ch 11: June 27, 2121

June 27, 2121 After a week of discussions regarding Parker Williams, Zy’nayth decided to move his family to his island home on Kiva, the Raythian homeworld. John’s team had other duties to tend to, from clearing out debris and rebuilding interior rooms of the city-ship due the rebel Rayth attack, to procuring livestock and other […]

Pronunciation Guide

A few people have inquired as to how to pronounce some of the unusual names in Expedition: Andromeda. So here you go!   Zy’nayth = Zy (rhymes with eye) nayth (rhymes with faith) Mik’kenna = pretty much how it’s spelled. Mick-enna Ky’nayth = Ky (rhymes with eye) nayth (rhymes with faith) Be’atta = Be (bee) […]

Posted at 11am on 9/26/20 | no comments; | Filed Under: E:A Fun Facts | read on

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