E:A Vol 7 Ch 7—January 5, 2121

January 5, 2121

Discussion about the mystery ship continued after its discovery. Zy’nayth’s Commanders were on top of the situation, and Zy’nayth himself believed that whoever it was did not have hostile intentions towards Earth. He did, however, believe that there was a connection with this ship and the one that had been monitoring Terra 2.

“Honey, are you sure you want to wait until the morning to return to Terra 2?” Victoria asked her husband Sunday afternoon. “The time difference will make for a very hard day for you.”

“I will only be stopping at work for a couple of hours, then I will return to pick up Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna so that we can go with the Vice Chancellor to see his son.”

“Which will be another time change for you to deal with.”

“I will be fine.”

“And Earth?” she asked, still concerned about the mystery ship.

“I do not think Earth is a threat to the Rayth,” he grinned his mischievous grin.

“You know what I meant. Will Earth be fine?”


“And if you’re wrong?” she lowered her voice, making sure that if anyone was in range they wouldn’t hear her.

“I cannot keep part of my fleet here. If these are the same people as those in Andromeda, and if they are a threat, I need my ships in Andromeda. I am sorry, but my people must come first.”

“I know. Just thought there might be another option. Can you put this pot on the stove, please?” She kissed his cheek after he carried the soup pot to the nearest stove. “Thank you. The guests should be arriving soon. You need to go play host.”

He returned her kiss as he caressed her cheek. “I love you. Everyone is coming except Christopher and Alessa, correct?”

“Right. Oh, and David’s staying on Terra 2,” Victoria said. “You sure you want the First here? You know, in case there is a threat?”

“As I stated, I do not believe there is one. Besides, I have warships protecting Terra 2.”

“I know, but…” she shook her head and waved him off. “Go on, I’ve pestered you enough about how to do your job. You’ve been in command for 10,000 years, who am I to question you?”

“You are a woman concerned about her people,” Zy’nayth kissed her again then went to play host.

Victoria got as much prepped as she could, then rejoined the family in the new, larger living room where Kaven and Ny’van had just arrived. They had no more than sat down when Kol’non and Be’atta walked in. The group was chatting for a few minutes when Hannah, realizing her cat wasn’t near, turned to Holly. “Mom, have you seen Ruffles?”

“Last I saw her was maybe an hour ago,” Holly answered. “I thought she was curled up under your chair.”

“I send puppy after her. Celeste,” Mik’kenna said without giving Hannah a chance to protest, “go find cat, please. Mommy, can I please has more lemonade?”

Celeste got up, shook herself, then went running out of the room, Baxter decided he could help, so he went running out after his sister. Victoria declined her daughter’s request since it was nearly dinner time.

Hannah, a bit wary of sending the dogs after her cat, kept her fears to herself. The adults in the room didn’t seem to think there was an issue, so she hoped that was a good sign. And sure enough, a few minutes later, with Ruffles being carried by the scruff of her neck, Celeste came trotting back into the living room.

“Good girl! You such good puppy,” Mik’kenna said, then pointed to Hannah, “Take cat to her, please.”

Celeste did as she was asked and dropped the cat at Hannah’s feet then hurried back to Mik’kenna for a good scratching behind her ears and a tummy rub as a reward.

Baxter, however, sat down a few feet in front of Hannah to keep an eye on this cat thing.

“Mik’kenna, I just realized that your name is the same as Dr. McKenna’s last name,” Hannah said.

“It’s spelled differently and is Raythian for ‘Miracle Blossom.’ However, she was named in honor of Becket,” Victoria said. “Ky’nayth is Raythian for ‘Fire Warrior.’ Anyway, since Becket and I are sort of like brother and sister, my husband chose to name her after him. Plus, the poor guy had to put up with a lot of grief from my husband while I was pregnant. Actually, so did I,” she grinned. “Hopefully naming one of our children after him has sufficiently made up for all of that trouble we put him through while I was pregnant.”

“What happened?” Holly asked.

“That man,” Becket pointed to Zy’nayth, “had me scan Victoria every time she sneezed. Every week, he wanted a scan of the babies to make sure they were okay. Sometimes two or three times a week. Though his equipment and the First Science Commander’s knowledge are far superior to mine, he wasn’t satisfied until I ran my scan.”

“The children are not fully Rayth,” Zy’nayth explained, “I also needed input from a human doctor.”

“Uncle Becket take good care of us. I love him so much. He save my life when I was little,” the three-year-old girl said.

“He did?” Holly asked.

Mik’kenna nodded. “I dying. But Uncle Becket found cure.”

“Finding cures seems to be your thing, doctor,” Michael said.

“Actually, what she had was something we see here on Earth all the time. For some odd reason, it only affects Rayth females, presents differently than in human patients, and oddly enough, the Rayth never found a cure.”

“He really did save her life. Not even my husband’s healing could help for more than an hour or two.”

“So what was it?” Michael asked.

Becket shook his head, “Meningitis, of all things. The First Science Commander and I have yet to figure out why it presents differently and why it only attacks Rayth females. And, obviously, why it’s resistant to Rayth healing. It’s one of our ongoing little side projects. But we have the cure so it can be easily treated whenever it crops up.”

“How old was Mik’kenna?”

“Sixteen months,” Victoria replied.

“I was just little girl then,” the three-year-old said, climbing back up next to Becket. “I no ‘memmer much.”

Becket kissed the top of her head, “Probably for the best, love.”

“Have you ever been that sick, Ky’nayth?” Holly asked, wanting to include him in the conversation.

“No. I strong like Daddy. I has be strong to ‘tect Sissy and Mommy. I not good when I was littler. I help ‘tect Mommy when we kidnap by rebel. I not strong as Daddy, ‘course, but I getting stronger. We train and I learn combat. Sissy and I learn to use heads and stuff.”

“They work together quite well,” Zy’nayth said. “They are also quite quick. That is to their advantage.”

“I hear your father is very strong,” Michael said to Ky’nayth, “I’m sure you’ll protect your mother and sister very well.”

“I do best I can.”

“I smell food,” Kaven said. “Roast? Making my stomach growl. And Ky, and you too, Kenna, are both very, very brave. What you two did…I’m proud of you. But don’t ever try that again. At least not without the okay from your dad.”

Victoria leaned over and hugged her son, “Very brave, but yeah, never again. Kaven, roasts, yes. I suppose I should check on them. It’s probably time to start the side dishes.”

“Mind if I help?” Kol’non asked.

“I would like to as well,” Ny’van said. “I need to learn more about cooking before I take the serum.”

Janice, Lutia, and Amelia all stood, offering to help. Holly and Hannah followed.

“Okay, I can’t have you all in the kitchen. Lia I know you want to keep poring over those photos with Kenna, so stay put. Lutia, you stay and rest. Janice, I’ll need you to keep the men in line. Holly and Hannah, I could use the help of one of you, so fight over it,” Victoria smiled.

“I’ll go, Mom,” Hannah said.

The rest of the group talked, a little about the mystery ship, a little about each other, getting to know the young Zachary who’d be returning with them to Terra 2. Mik’kenna was snuggled between Becket and Amelia, looking through her pictures to see if they could find any other shiny objects. She was a little upset, the reminder of the kidnapping had unsettled her. It had been very scary and she suffered nightmares afterwards. Not content to sit between her aunt and uncle, she climbed up on Becket’s lap. Zy’nayth sensed his daughter’s disquiet and was about to go to her, but Becket’s hug seemed to reassure her that everything was fine. Amelia soon had her engrossed in the photos again which took her mind off of the bad memories.

Lutia moved down onto the floor in front of her husband who set his computer aside and gave her a neck and shoulder massage. “You’re awfully warm,” he said, “sit up here on my lap, let me check you.”

“I’ve been a little run down. Thought it was just too much playing in the snow,” she said, “but now I feel a little stuffy.”

Ja’val put his hand over her chest and let his energy flow into her. “Yup, got a little virus. Daddy shall fix you all up,” he said and looked at his son, “won’t he? Daddy takes good care of Mommy.”

Kel’lan cooed and clapped his little hands. “You should probably check everyone,” Lutia said, “if I had something, someone else could have caught it.”

“It prolly the cat,” Mik’kenna said matter-of-factly without looking up from her computer. “We should check and see if she sick.”

“Viruses usually do not spread from animals to humans, love,” Becket said.

“I believe Lutia is correct. We should check everyone, including the animals. I know the children will worry about the pups.” Zy’nayth looked at Holly, “Would you mind if I check Ruffles?”

“If she’ll let you, go ahead.”

Zy’nayth looked at the cat who had curled up on Holly’s lap. He pointed to her, “Come, Ruffles.”

Mik’kenna slipped down from Becket’s lap and went over to Holly and Ruffles. She had her hands on her hips, “Now listen, Ruffles, Daddy has to check you to see if you making us sick. So be good and let him check. It no hurt. And puppies no hurt you, I promise. They just not used to cats. Kay?” She waited a moment then pointed to her father, “Go to my daddy and let him make sure you no sick.”

To Holly’s surprise the cat jumped down, took a wide berth around Baxter, then hopped up on Zy’nayth’s lap.

“Good girl,” he said and stroked her soft hair. “Are they really called ‘munchkin’ cats?” he asked.

“Yeah. Hannah thought she was the cutest thing she ever saw and had to have one.”

“Well, Ruffles,” Zy’nayth said, “seems you do have a bit of a virus. That may be why she hid earlier; she was not feeling well.” He cared for her then set her on the floor, “She is all better. Mik’kenna round up the dogs, I will check them as well.”

After making sure everyone in the living area was tended to, Zy’nayth went to the kitchen and hugged his wife, then put his hand on her chest. “Ruffles and Lutia both had a virus. Just making sure you do not have it.”

“Oh, and here I thought I was just getting a hug because you love me,” she teased.

“I do love you,” he whispered in her ear, “very much so.”

“No romance while we’re fixing dinner,” Kol’non said. “Janice, Hannah, would you like me to make sure you’re well?”

“Sure,” Janice said.

“Does it hurt?” Hannah asked, suddenly a little nervous.

“Not at all,” Janice said, “best to make sure you’re not coming down with something.”

“Be’atta is fine,” Zy’nayth said to Kol’non. “The First Science Commander and I checked everyone back there, as well as the pups.”

“The baby?” Kol’non asked.

“Is well. But you may go and check for yourself. Victoria, my beloved, there is nothing wrong with you.”

“I know,” she grinned then kissed his cheek. “Well, Hannah, you survived.”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “felt warm. And you guys can heal broken bones and everything?”

“We cannot heal everything,” Zy’nayth said, “but we can heal quite a lot.”

She thanked Kol’non for checking her then she went back to peeling the potatoes.

“How big or small do you want these carrots?” Ny’van asked Janice.

“No idea. Victoria?”

Victoria turned from the refrigerator then walked over and cut up the first one. “Nice and even, put the extra bits into in a separate bowl. They’ll be too small for what I plan to make so they can be for snacks.”

After a couple of minutes Kol’non asked Victoria to test the sauce he made. “I don’t think it’s quite right,” he said. “I can’t figure out what’s wrong.”

Victoria took a taste of the sauce, “Mmm, good.” She added a pinch of salt, stirred it up and tasted again. “That’s it.”

Kol’non took another taste, “Amazing. I will figure this out sooner or later.”

“Considering there were no measurements, you did really well.”

“Thank you.”

When dinner was almost ready, Victoria sent Hannah and Janice to set the table in the larger dining room. Then she, Kol’non, and Ny’van carried in the food. Everyone gathered, Zy’nayth prayed, then the dishes were passed.

“Peas?” Mik’kenna wrinkled up her nose as John set the dish beside her plate so she could take some.

“They have bacon and cheese in them,” Victoria said, “you’ll like it. Take a small helping, please.”

Mik’kenna put some on her plate then John reached over and handed the dish to Becket who was on the other side of the little girl. Then he set the carrots in front of her.

“Mommy! You giving us weird things for eating,” Mik’kenna said, exasperated.

“You like carrots.”

“But we no have this before.”

“You’ll like them,” Victoria said again.

“I has try these too? I trying peas!”

“Yes, please. Just a small helping.”

She let out a sigh and put a spoonful on her plate. “Dis not normal food we has. I not sure I like.”

While in the kitchen, Zy’nayth had told his wife about sensing Mik’kenna’s uneasiness after Ky’nayth mentioned the kidnapping. Victoria didn’t push her daughter further. She knew that normally, Mik’kenna wouldn’t raise such a fuss. She was thankful when Ky’nayth spoke up.

“Carrots really good, Sissy,” Ky’nayth said. “They really good flavor. I like lot. I sure you like, too.”

“Really?” she asked, and when her brother nodded, she took another spoonful.

The rest of the food got passed and Mik’kenna, as her mother said she would, loved the two new dishes.

“There’s plenty more roast,” Janice said as the meal wound down, “so if you want a snack later, you can make roast sandwiches.”

“Or I could make some homemade beef and noodles,” Victoria said. “I actually have a couple more roasts that I didn’t bring out. I forgot Chris, Lessa, and David wouldn’t be here.”

“You should make up some of the beef and noodles and take it to them,” Zy’nayth said. “If you have plenty to spare, I am sure they would appreciate it. I do not mean to give you more work.”

“It’s easy,” Victoria said with a wave of her hand.

A huge gust of wind hit followed by a loud, heavy thud. John got up, his gun immediately out of the holster. “I’ll check it out. I’m done with dinner if you start cleaning up the table before I get back.”

“Right behind you,” Kol’non said. “I doubt you need the gun.”

Two minutes later the two men returned to the dining room. “Tree down,” John said, “right outside the patio.”

“Is treehouse okay?” Ky’nayth asked.

“I think so, but she’s taking a beating. Starting to snow too.”

“Sounds like sleet,” Vince said as the pelting of the sleet pinged against the windows.

Scout came bounding in and jumped up, putting her front paws on John’s leg and let out a little bark. “And it appears as if the dogs need to go out.”

“Baby puppies blow ‘way outside, Uncle John,” Ky’nayth said. “They too little.”

“Yeah, I was just thinking that. Kaven, you done? We need to figure something out.”

“I may have a solution,” Ja’val said, “I made some adjustments to the barrier but haven’t had a chance to test it. Now would be a good time.” He apologized for getting his computer out at the table, “We can only hold it for seven minutes at the most. Michael, would you let the team on your shuttle know that they cannot leave while the barrier is up.”

“Certainly,” Michael said, “though they won’t be leaving any time soon.” He tapped his comlink to let the shuttle’s captain know what was happening.

“Seven minutes will be sufficient,” John said.

“Round up the dogs, the barrier will keep the wind and sleet out, but we’re very limited on time.”

“We help!” Ky’nayth said. Then he and his sister took off to get the dogs gathered.

Zy’nayth shook his head as the twins left with John, Kaven, and Kol’non. “Technology of the Raythian Empire used to put up a barrier so dogs can go do their business outside. What have I done to deserve this?”

Ny’van roared with laughter. “My friend, you will do anything for your beloved children and their beloved dogs.”

Victoria began to clear the table. Ny’van and Zy’nayth helped as did the president and his family. Lutia was still looking a little under the weather so she was sent to the living room. When they got into the kitchen, Victoria asked her husband to check Lutia again.

“I know it’s unlikely, but the First Science Commander could have missed something. He was a bit distracted with Kel’lan.”

“Go on,” Janice said, “we can finish cleaning up the table.”

Zy’nayth walked back to the living room and sat next to Lutia. “Still unwell?”

“Just tired.”

“Mind if I take a look?”

“Fine. But I’m just tired.”

Zy’nayth put his hand over her heart. He took his time to make sure there were no anomalies and had just finished as Ja’val came in with Kel’lan in his arms and Cinnamon shaking and running at the same time.

“Lutia, what’s wrong?” he asked and hurried to his wife.

“I’m just tired. I really played too hard this morning. I haven’t done that in ages.”

“She does appear to be healthy,” Zy’nayth said. “Perhaps you two should head back to Terra 2. You are doing well, but your wife could use some extra rest.”

“I’d like that, honey,” Lutia said, “I want a massage and a night of restful sleep.”

“Kel’lan was up most of the night,” Ja’val said as Be’atta walked in, “that probably didn’t help.”

“If you guys want,” Be’atta said, “we can watch Kel’lan tonight.”

“No,” Zy’nayth said, “you have been ill as well with the baby. Victoria and I can take Kel’lan for a night. Would that be all right, Lutia?”

“He’s teething, so he is up most of the night crying. I can’t do that to you.”

“Leave him with us. Victoria and I can take care of the little warrior for you. You two go. Does Kel’lan need a bottle or anything right away?”

“I fed him right before dinner,” Lutia said. “I have a couple of bottles already made up in the fridge. Thank you for taking him.”

“I am happy to. Get some rest, my dear.” He took Kel’lan from Ja’val then headed to the kitchen. “Victoria, we are going to keep this little guy for the evening to allow Lutia to rest.”

“Okay,” she replied as she finished taking the last dish out of the dishwasher. “Want to put him in for a bath?” she grinned, pointing at the dishwasher.

“Perhaps later. Lutia said there were a couple of bottles in the refrigerator. Would one of you grab them for me, I will take them to our suite. And she said that she had just fed him before dinner.”

Janice got the three bottles out of the fridge. “Got diapers?” she asked.

“I did not think to ask,” he replied.

“I’ll get them and take them to your suite,” she said, “along with these. Go back and fuss over the little guy.”

“Thank you, Janice.”

“You guys really are like a big family,” Michael said, as he added the next round of dishes to the dishwasher.

“We are,” Amelia said, “and though I’m the newest member of the family, I feel like I’ve known them my entire life.”

Victoria smiled, “We have a wonderful family. I don’t think half of us would have gotten through the last few months without each other.”

“I wouldn’t have. I don’t think Lessa would have either. I think Ky and Kenna held up better than we did,” Amelia said.

Mik’kenna came running in with Celeste on her heels. “Mommy, I no find puppy treats. We out?”

“There should be plenty, we just bought a ton of them.”

“They no in basement at normal place. We must used them all.”

Victoria turned to Ny’van, “Could you check the garage? I think they should be close to the door there,” she nodded to the garage entrance to the house.

Mik’kenna followed him to make sure he didn’t overlook them, but they were right by the door. He took one of the two large bags and opened it. Mik’kenna filled her arms with treats for all the dogs then headed back to the living room.

“Should I take this to the basement?” he asked Victoria.

“No,” she replied. “We’ll be taking the entire case to Terra 2. Actually, better leave one bag here. So yes, please take that one to the basement. Sorry.”

“No need to apologize. You’re used to being here with the pups, not on Terra 2.”

Ny’van had no more than started down the stairs when Mik’kenna came running back into the kitchen. “Miss Holly, do you have treats for Ruffles? I can give to her.”

“The treats are probably still out on the presidential shuttle. She can go without. Thank you for thinking of her.”

“I no want her to feel left out.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t mind.”

“Kay,” Mik’kenna said then ran back to the living room.

Victoria reached out to Hannah. “Oh. I want that pot to make the beef and noodles.”

Once the dishes were finished, Michael, Holly, and Amelia joined the others in the living room. Hannah and Janice stayed to help Victoria with the beef and noodles. Victoria was glad. It could give the older women more time alone with Hannah.

“Do you cook at all?” Janice asked as she helped to pull the roasts apart.

“A little. Nothing like this. That’s kinda why I wanted to help with dinner. If I’m going to be living on my own, I should know how to do this. Mom doesn’t cook much anymore.”

“That’s what she said,” Victoria replied, “though she’s looking forward to having a kitchen. I’m sure she can show you a few things before you start school back up.”

“I really wish I was going to Terra 2 with you guys.”

“Well in three weeks you’ll be there and see us working. You may change your mind then and there.”

“What should I bring?”

“Just come as you are. You’ll need a dress for the Sunday service, but jeans, comfortable shoes, and lots of tee-shirts. And probably some sort of workout clothes. You may end up participating in some of the training.”

Mik’kenna and Ky’nayth came running into the kitchen. “Uncle David back!” they screeched as they pulled the elder Chapman in behind them with Zy’nayth following.

“Well, you just couldn’t stay away!” Victoria said and gave him a hug.

“Actually, here for a favor. Maressa isn’t well. Your husband is kind enough to go back and help them out.”

“Them? Alessa and Chris too?”

“Just Alessa. Nasty cold. I hate to impose, Chris said not to, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. Your husband said you have food for us.”

“Beef and noodles. Just need a couple of minutes to finish cooking, then I’ll get it all bagged up for you,” she replied as she got out various containers.

“Thank you for thinking of us.”

“There’ll be plenty for the three of you, plus Steve, Pastor, and Julia if you want to share. Of course, if you don’t want to share,” she smiled, “I won’t say a word.”

“I’ll leave the sharing up to Chris and Alessa. They’ve been dealing with a crying baby for two days. And with Chris filling in for Vince, and Alessa coming down sick too, well, they may not want to give any of it away just so they don’t have to cook for the next…week. Victoria, all of that?”

“Like I said, there will be plenty.”

“It may be midnight on Terra 2, but I’m going to help myself to a bowl as soon as I get back.”

“Midnight? That’s right,” Janice said. “I keep forgetting about the time difference.”

“Why did you not contact me sooner?” Zy’nayth asked, walking in. “You know I would come at any time.”

“Well, Mari really didn’t get terribly bad until about an hour ago. I figured you’d be eating.”

“I can interrupt my meal. It would have only taken a few minutes to tend to them.”

“It took me this long to convince them to let me contact you,” David said. “Blame my son. I was willing to call you the minute Mari started sneezing and coughing.”

“Janice, can you get me a couple of shopping bags so I can bag these up, please?” Victoria said as she started putting lids on the now full containers. When the bowls were in the bags, Zy’nayth and David carried them to the basement, through the hidden passage, to the bridge portal. A moment later, they were on Terra 2.

“Christopher Chapman, when your wife, your child, or you happen to be sick, you will not wait to contact me,” Zy’nayth said after being met in the control room by the lieutenant colonel.

“But you wanted Ky and Kenna to let their colds run their course,” Chris shot back.

“They are Rayth; it is different.”

“Humans don’t usually have a choice,” he said as they turned the corner.

Zy’nayth’s left hand went to Chris’ shoulder and gently pushed him against the wall. His right hand went to the soldier’s chest. At first, due to his lack of sleep and his worry over his wife and daughter, Chris thought the Rayth was attacking him, but his fists unclenched and he closed his eyes as soon as he realized that Zy’nayth was just checking to see if he, too, was ill.

“You have the virus as well. And you do have a choice, Christopher.” He pulled his hand away, “I am your friend, please, contact me when you get sick. I will come or I am sure the First Commander or First Science Commander will.”

Chris nodded, “Thanks. I’ll do…Dad, I smell meat.”

“Victoria made beef and noodles for us,” David smiled. “Let’s get to your chambers so I can start eating.”

While Zy’nayth healed Maressa and Alessa, both Chris and David dove into the beef and noodles. Even the aroma had Alessa craving something that late at night so she joined the two men after thanking Zy’nayth and making sure her daughter was sleeping soundly.

The group on Earth was sitting in the living room, some playing games, others talking, when Zy’nayth returned. “So what was it?” Becket asked.

“The same virus that had infected Lutia,” Zy’nayth replied. “I stopped in and informed Dr. Danielson that something could have come back from Earth. I also informed the Rayth helping out in the infirmary that they could tend to anyone suffering from whatever this virus is. And yes, I spoke to the Rayth myself. I know that they do not like taking orders from anyone other than you, Doctor.”

“I wasn’t going to say that,” Becket said, “I was just going to thank you.”

“You are quite welcome. Victoria, they were all very happy to receive the food. I believe David and Christopher were already eating when I left.”

“Out of curiosity,” Michael asked Zy’nayth, “do you keep a ship in orbit all of the time so you can bridge to it then to Earth or Terra 2, whichever way you’re going?”

“When I plan to be here, yes. I will not go through Central Command.”

“Sorry. I just thought it odd that David didn’t go through C.C. either. Seems rather inconvenient to have to make an extra stop.”

“Just as inconvenient for him to bridge into Colorado then get a shuttle here. Probably less so since there is no travel delay. Besides, Central Command is in no position to have our family in and out while they are trying to rebuild.”

“Daddy!” Mik’kenna said, nearly knocking over her glass of lemonade, “Daddy look at this!” Zy’nayth motioned for her to stay where she was. He walked over to her and sat down beside Becket.

“What did you find, my little Miracle Blossom?” he asked, using the translation of her name.

“Well, Daddy,” she said in her most explanatory voice, “I look at my pictures ‘cause there might be more ships. I start in area where Miss Lia found one, then I go in circle out from there like you do scans on flagship. I no find nothing all day then I find this. See? Shiny!”

Zy’nayth reached out and she handed him her tablet. He studied the image, zooming in and out, then he sent the coordinates to his own tablet. After handing her back her computer, he pulled his own out of his pocket and it opened up to six screens, complete with a virtual keyboard.

“Anything interesting?” Kol’non asked.

“Afraid not,” Zy’nayth said, then motioned for his daughter to move closer to him to see the screens. He pointed from screen to screen, showing her the coordinates in relation to everything around the object in question. “This asteroid here,” he pointed, “is simply blocking the view. When you check the coordinates and project out the location of the shiny object,” he showed her how to perform the function, “the object in question is this.” He tapped a couple more buttons and Mik’kenna frowned. “The sun.”

“I sorry, Daddy. I thought it was ship.”

“Honey, I am glad you are searching. But I have crew members going through your images and scanning the solar system. You can play if you want, you need not spend your time doing this.”

“But I want to help.”

“You have helped tremendously. Amelia found the ship in your photo, and all of your pictures will help us, too. Even if we do not find anything else, your pictures led us to find out about this mystery ship.” He kissed the top of her head, “You have done very well. And Ky’nayth, if you did not wish to go out and pilot my cruiser, Mik’kenna could not have taken her photos. So both of you have contributed much in finding this ship.”

“We can do more ‘sploring,” Ky’nayth said. “I like driving cruiser. Someone play Chinese Checkers with me?”

“I will,” Kaven said. John, Hannah, Becket also said they would. And because Hannah was going to play, alongside of Becket, Mik’kenna said she’d play too. She made sure that her father sat to one side of the doctor while she sat on the other.

“I red!” she said as her brother got the game out.

“Anyone for some poker?” Vince said.

“What’s that?” Mik’kenna asked.

“A card game.”

“I like card games. But I no know poker.”

“More of bluffing game,” Vince said. “I think your father would like it.”

Kol’non raised an eyebrow, “Now I’m intrigued. Teach me this game.” Ny’van also wanted to learn. Michael and Zachary joined the group, as did Janice.

“Gonna need something to bet with,” Vince said.

“Bet?” Kol’non said, “This game is played for money?”

“Yeah, but I was thinking we could use something in place of money.”

“What about Monopoly money?” Janice suggested.

“Good idea,” Vince replied.

“I’ll go find it,” she said, “while you teach our newcomers the basics.”

“You know how to play?” the general asked his head nurse.

“You guys will lose the shirts off your backs,” Becket said as he made his move on the Chinese checkerboard. “Janice is a pretty formidable foe in poker.”

Janice smiled, “When things are slow, we sometimes play a few hands. Never play with Danielson, though. He cheats.”

Becket laughed, “He’s just really good.”

“High Chancellor, we can deal you in,” Michael said, “if you want to learn the game. I want to see how good you are at bluffing.”

“I never bluff,” Zy’nayth said matter-of-factly.

“Then you won’t be very good at this game,” Vince said. “Guys, and Janice, we’ll get him to join us, play for real money, and then we can make a fortune off of him,” he teased.

Zy’nayth let a sly smile pass his lips. “You may try. Your move, son.”

“There’s also some chance involved,” Janice said, as she took the play money out of the Monopoly game.

“Be’atta, Victoria, Lia, Holly, any of you want in?” Janice asked.

“Never much cared for the game,” Holly said.

“Me either,” Amelia added.

“I’ll just watch,” Be’atta said, “and learn.”

“I’m hostess,” Victoria said, “I’ll just fetch stuff for those who need it. You guys need drinks or snacks, just yell. Otherwise, I think I’m just going to enjoy talking with my friends.”

Two games of Chinese Checkers were played then the kids began to romp with the dogs. John opted to sit out of the poker game, but Kaven and Becket wanted to be dealt in the next round. Zy’nayth was talked into joining the game as well.

“You guys should go to the dining room,” Victoria said, “more room than trying to play around that coffee table.”

“Then we wouldn’t be all together,” Be’atta said.

“There are a couple of card tables in the basement,” John said. “I’ll get them. Kaven, come help, I think there are folding chairs too. Gonna have to move the furniture when you guys are done losing to Janice.”

“She only won one hand,” Vince said.

“Out of two,” John said as he and Kaven left the room.

By the time the next hand was finished, John and Kaven had brought up the two card tables and folding chairs.

“Kaven, you know how to play?” Vince asked.

“I hang out with John and Chris, of course I do.”

“Then I just need to go over stuff with the High Chancellor.”

“No need. I was listening as you explained to the First Commander and Vice Chancellor.”

“Before you guys get started,” Victoria said, “Anyone need refills, snacks?”

“Let’s take a short break,” Vince said. “We can hit the bathrooms and grab food. No sense in making Victoria run around after us.”

The game soon started up, nearly everyone had a bowl of the beef and noodles, no longer able to resist the aroma, and the ladies had brought in pitchers of tea and lemonade.

“Let’s do this,” Kaven said, “you guys are in so much trouble.”

After four hands, it was apparent that Zy’nayth either was extremely lucky or had played the game before.

“I thought you said you didn’t bluff?” Michael asked as Zy’nayth piled up his Monopoly money winnings.

“I do not.”

“Then explain how you won by bluffing.”

Zy’nayth let a sly smile pass his lips. “I did not bluff, I bet according to the hand I was dealt and whether or not I thought you were lying.”

John roared with laughter from across the room.

“You’ve played this before, haven’t you?” Vince asked.

“I have.”

“Then why didn’t you say something?”

“You did not ask if I knew how to play. I did not offer the information in order to better my odds of winning. Very strategic of me, was it not?”

Ny’van grinned, “This is why he is the greatest battle commander the Rayth have ever had. So which one of these guys taught you?”

“John and Christopher.”

“John, as your commanding officer, you should have informed me of this,” Vince said.

“And as your commander-in-chief,” Michael added, “I should have known as well.”

“I suppose,” John replied, “but he’s bigger than both of you and I was afraid.”

Kol’non was the one who laughed first.

“Have you or Chris ever beaten him?” Be’atta asked.

“Yeah, after we caught on to his little trick.”

“Trick?” Vince asked, “Enlighten me.”

“I have not been using my little trick,” Zy’nayth said. “I only did that to you two because you needed to be taught a lesson.”

“What little trick?” Kaven asked.

“Just make him promise not to use it and you can beat him,” John said.

“What trick?” Janice asked this time.

Ny’van grinned then laughed as he put his cards down. “I should have known.”

“I have not done that during this game,” Zy’nayth said. “I give you my word.”

“What?!” Michael exclaimed.

John walked over and stood next to the enormous Rayth. “He’s Rayth.”

“So are the First Commander and Vice Chancellor, but each of them have lost at least once tonight.”

Victoria called from across the room. “He’s a Rayth with strong telepathic abilities. He can read minds.”

Vince threw his cards on the table. “I can’t believe I forgot about that little ability of his.”

“I have said, and I swear upon God’s holy name, that I have not used that ability tonight. But it is how I taught John and Christopher a lesson.”

“What did you have to teach them a lesson about?” Kaven asked.

“They did not disclose all of the little nuances of the game to me. So I read their minds and was able to more completely understand the game as we went along. Then I used my ability to see what cards they had and bet accordingly.”

“Took a month’s pay from both of us,” John said. “Chris was devastated. It was right before Lessa was due and he still had a lot to buy for the baby.”

Victoria interrupted, “Don’t panic. He gave back all of the money after telling them why he was winning.”

“I believe it also taught both of you a lesson about wagering your money on such nonsense. There will always be someone better; and chance is seldom on your side.”

“We still play,” John said, “but not for money. And we haven’t played since the attack, obviously. Too much real life stuff to take care of.”

“You know, as we’ve been sitting here playing and talking, I was thinking that maybe we should plan a weekly gathering,” Victoria said. “I know our schedules don’t all line up, but if we plan something for each week, you might hit one event a month. You guys really need some down time.”

“I think she’s right,” Janice said. “Look at Lutia. Healthy as a horse, but these last few months, it’s nonstop. Work, baby, work, baby. She’s not complained, mind you, but she’s wiped out. Yeah, we’re all overworked due to the attack and rebuilding, but we haven’t had a lot of fun time. Don’t get me wrong, I think we should help our neighbors and friends, but I think one night a week, even if it’s just dinner and playing with the dogs and the kids, would be a nice distraction. And if one of us is on duty, maybe they can at least stop in for dinner and conversation, then head back. You are allowed lunch and dinner breaks, you know.”

Vince nodded. “I like this idea. Victoria, your chambers are the only ones large enough to accommodate all of us for a meal, other than the mess hall, are you okay with that?”

“You know I am,” she smiled. “Though, uh, I don’t have any furniture except the bedrooms. I’ll get that taken care of as soon as possible.”

“I suggest we take turns with the cooking. Those of us, like me, who don’t really cook, well, we’ll figure something out,” Vince said. “I don’t want to put all of the food on Victoria.”

“We can pair up,” Janice said, “After all, cooking for all of us is quite a chore. We could do something like three or four assigned cooks per week. Pair up someone like me with you and the Vice Chancellor. One cook, two dabblers.”

“And it goes without saying,” Victoria said, “I am always willing to help.”

“I like this idea,” Kaven said, “though I guess it means I’ll have to try and cook something.”

“Like I said, at least one cook per team to help the rest out,” Janice said. “We don’t need set teams or whatever, but we can make sure that those who aren’t comfortable in the kitchen are with someone who is. Besides, we if things are super hectic, we can just have sandwiches and chips or order from the mess and just eat in Victoria’s chambers together. The idea is downtime together. Sit, eat, chat, relax.”

“Ham sammich with mussard and pickles,” Mik’kenna said, “and onion. I like onion on my sammiches.”

The sound of breaking glass made everyone jump. John and Zy’nayth bolted out of the room towards the sound which came from inside the house, not outside like the fallen tree. Instinct had John’s gun at the ready. Kaven and Vince had their guns out but stayed with the group in the living room to provide cover if needed. Kol’non monitored the door while Ny’van checked the windows.

“It’s okay,” John shouted, “Ruffles knocked a bowl off of the counter.”

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry, Victoria,” Holly apologized. “She doesn’t usually jump onto a counter. Her short little legs usually can’t get her that high. I’ll pay for the…”

“No, no, don’t worry about it,” Victoria said as the two women went to the kitchen. Zy’nayth was holding the munchkin cat, petting her.

“She is fine. A little shocked by the turn of events, but she is unharmed.”

Victoria bent down and picked up part of the glass bowl. “Tuna. She was after the tuna salad left in the bowl.”

“But how’d she get up…” Holly then saw the chair at the other end of the counter. “Chair to the counter.”

“One of the kids probably moved the chair to get a plate or glass from the cabinet,” Victoria said as she began to clean up the little mess.

“I’m sorry Ruffles has been such a bother,” Hannah said taking her cat from the High Chancellor. “She’s usually a very good kitty.”

“Do not worry about it,” Zy’nayth said, “she is nervous about the dogs, and this is still a very new environment for her.”

“Ky, Kenna,” Victoria said as she finished the last of the cleanup, “it’s getting late. We need to get you in your jammies and into your beds.”

“We need to take puppies out again,” Mik’kenna said, “Daddy can you put barrier up so puppies no blow ‘way?”

Zy’nayth nodded. “Get the dogs ready.”

Kaven and Vince offered to help out and a few minutes later, the dogs were done. Vince would be staying the night, leaving in the morning, but the rest of the adults had packed and after saying their goodbyes to the president and his family, went down to the basement. Zy’nayth kept the president, Holly, and their kids talking while Victoria made sure no one followed the others downstairs.

“Do you really think they’re not hostile?” Michael asked Zy’nayth. “I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous about the situation.”

“If I believed they were hostile, I would have several warships on the way here. I would not allow my wife and children to sleep here either. They would be on the flagship or at my home on my planet.”

Zachary watched the exchange as he stood with Vince. “Kinda weird to know that little boy piloted a space cruiser around our solar system.”

“One thing you will get used to quite quickly,” Vince said, “is just how intelligent the High Chancellor is. And once you see what he can do, you’ll understand why his children are both brilliant.”

“Yes, Commander?” Zy’nayth stopped his conversation with the president to answer his incoming call. He listened for a few seconds then spoke. “Thank you. Return to your normal patrol. If you see anything, contact me or the First Commander right away,” he said then the call was ended.

“Mystery ship?” Victoria asked, joining them after seeing the others off and making sure the hidden tunnel door was once again hidden.

“They found nothing around the Rayk homeworld. I was concerned something may be hidden there again. The Commander did not find anything. Though I am not convinced that there is not anything there, I cannot risk having Rayth exposed to the energy that planet emits.”

“If you think there’s something out there, I’m sure Vince would be happy to send John’s team out with that old ship you gave us.”

“I need to pray about it more,” he said, “something is not quite right. But I will talk with the team later. I need their input and their prayers.” He looked at her, “You are yawning. We should retire for the evening.”

They said their good nights, then the family went upstairs and got ready for bed.

“Honey, where are Baxter and Celeste? They didn’t follow us upstairs,” Victoria said as she changed Kel’lan.

“They were already up here,” he said, “they are asleep in the twins’ sleeping bags. At least they were until Cinnamon crawled in with Baxter.”

“They were? That’s not like them to head to bed without the kids.”

“I think maybe Celeste no feel well,” Mik’kenna said, her dog curled up and shivering even under the sleeping bag.

Victoria’s comlink buzzed, “Carson here,” she said then listened as Chris began calmly telling her the situation.

“We have the Rayth here helping,” he said, “but we’re gonna need you first thing in the morning. I know there are things going on with the Big Guy and Vice, but we’re gonna need everyone.”

“What is it, Chris?”

“Hang on. I’m getting everyone in on the call. Becket wanted me to warn you first. Simon, thanks. Yeah. Okay. Sorry Doc, Simon’s getting everyone on the call. Basically, everyone’s sick. I think we have an epidemic on our hands.”


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