E:A Vol 7 Ch 2—December 30, 2120

December 30, 2120

Monday morning, the twins said farewell to Brownie, who was Pastor Jacob and Julia’s puppy, and Samson, Major Steve Kessler’s puppy. Steve had been staying on the city-ship, learning what he could from the Third Commander even though technically, he was supposed to be on vacation. After two nights with his puppy, he realized that his chambers weren’t adequately puppy-proofed, plus with his schedule trying to learn more about the ship from the Third Commander, he thought it best to leave the pup with Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna. However, this morning, the two pups would return to the city-ship with Pastor Jacob and Julia.

“They’ll be in good hands,” Victoria said to the twins. “You’ll get to see them when we return at the end of the week.”

“I miss dem so much already,” Mik’kenna said, holding Brownie and giving the pup little kisses. Finally, she put the puppy in its carrier. “Be good, Brownie.” Ky’nayth did the same for Samson.

“I’ll get the carriers for you,” John picked the two up before Julia even had a chance to reach for them. “I want to touch base with the Third Commander and Steve. Make sure everything’s going smoothly.”

“It is,” Zy’nayth said.

“I mean from the human side of things.”

“They are,” Vince shrugged his shoulders. “I do get daily briefings.”

“I should have been included.”

“You are on vacation,” Vince said. “Go, talk to Steve, do whatever you want. Everything’s fine.”

“Remember, you’re welcome to join us New Year’s Eve,” Victoria nodded at Jacob and Julia.

“I think we’ll spend it on the city-ship. It’ll be bitter sweet for most. Best for us to be there,” Jacob said.

The couple bridged with John to the city-ship from the portal in the basement of Victoria’s barn. The family then walked down the Rayth-built underground tunnel to the house.

“I believe we could get the tractor out and plow the driveway, if you are up for it, Ky’nayth,” Zy’nayth put his hand on his son’s head. “Are you?”

“I ready! I drive careful.”

“Get bundled up,” Victoria told the twins. “I’ll see if Lutia wants Kel to explore in the snow.”

“I think he’d like it, but not too long. I don’t want both of my boys sick,” Lutia said when Victoria offered to take the baby outside. “His stuff is in the small blue case. I didn’t bother to unpack.”

“No problem,” Victoria took the boy and kissed his cheek. “I’ll get him bundled and we’ll go play in the snow with the puppies.”

“I’m so thankful Ky and Kenna and you guys have been willing to take care of Cinnamon. I wasn’t expecting this guy to take the serum.”

“Ny’van couldn’t at this time, so it was a good time for me since the family’s all here to look after us,” Ja’val said.

“I know,” Lutia kissed his cheek.

Everyone got bundled up and headed outside. Victoria and Alessa didn’t stay out long with the babies since it was still pretty cold. They managed to get through the snow to where Ja’val and Lutia could look out of the study’s window and watch them explore the snow. Three feet of snow covered the estate and the men worked hard to get the patio cleared so they could get to the shed where the plow for the tractor was located. It was more about clearing the patio so the firepit could be used for steaks, at least that was John’s motivation.

Kaven and John made a trail for the dogs to the kids’ treehouse. The older dogs just hopped from one snowdrift to another while the three-month-old puppies scampered here and there, yipping and barking. The twins went bounding after them, giggling and laughing.

Kel’lan and Maressa played on the patio, where a couple of the pups were sniffing around, trying to figure out what to do. Chris made tiny snowballs for each of the little ones and demonstrated how to throw them.

Ja’val standing with the walker at the window watched then burst into laughter as Kel’lan’s little uncoordinated arm nailed Chris in the back of the head as the man tried to help his daughter hold the snowball. He turned back to the boy who was clapping and giggling. “Nice shot,” Chris grinned.

Vince and Zy’nayth hooked the plow to the tractor. Ky’nayth had abandoned his playing with the dogs to oversee the process. Ny’van kept an eye on the pups, admiring the bright blue sky against the mountains in the background. Everything was so very white, it was blinding in the sunlight. Despite how bright everything was, his mind kept floating to his dying son who he’d be visiting, and hoped that Zy’nayth could convince him that there was only one way to have peace in the afterlife.

A disease that killed most Rayth females, one of the reasons there were so few Rayth females, had nearly taken Mik’kenna’s life. Ja’val couldn’t figure it out, if he could, he would have been a hero in the Raythian Empire. Zy’nayth’s advanced healing abilities only eased the symptoms but couldn’t cure his baby girl. Dr. Becket McKenna, who’d helped Ja’val discover the serum, Victoria’s best friend and godfather to the twins, ran every test that came to mind. The very last blood test gave him an answer. Though the disease presented very differently and seemingly only in Rayth females, it was a common disease on Earth, one to which there was a cure.

It was during this crisis in their lives that Victoria suggested they pray. Her grandparents had been devout Christians, she had never really given her life to Christ, never gave religion much thought. But remembering her grandparents and some of her Christian upbringing, she prayed for her daughter’s life. When Victoria saw the test results on Becket’s computer screen forming a cross, Victoria knew that God had granted them a miracle. She and Zy’nayth became Christians shortly thereafter. Now Ny’van was a Christian and he hoped he could convince his son of the truth, and if he wouldn’t listen to him, he hoped In’val’s admiration of the High Chancellor would allow the truth to be spoken and received. On January 6, he and Zy’nayth, and most likely the twins, would head to talk to his son.

“Everything okay?” Victoria asked.

“Just thinking about In’val. Praying, in a way, I guess. This is a lovely view you have here.”

“I love this place,” she said, slipping her arm into his. “Remember what Pastor said. We can only plant the seed. It’s God’s job to do the reaping.”

Ny’van gave her a warm smile. “I know.”

Victoria closed her eyes and prayed that God would open In’val’s heart and that before it was too late, In’val would come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t an elegant prayer, but it was from her heart and Ny’van appreciated it. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and thanked her as Mik’kenna came running up, snow crunching beneath her boots as the dogs bounded after her. She slipped and fell into a drift almost taller than she was. She giggled as the dogs leapt on her.

“Kenna, you need help?” Victoria asked.

“I fine!” the girl laughed, managing to get back to her feet, but wrestling the dogs as she did so, one big ball of laughter and giggles.

“Mik’kenna,” her father’s voice filled the air, “would you like to drive the tractor?”

“Oh!” she popped up out of a snowdrift and began trudging through the snow, the top of her head the only visible part of her, and the occasional dog as it leapt up in the air. “I coming!”

“It would be faster if you stuck to the path,” Zy’nayth laughed. He turned to his son, “We’ll make a path from the patio to the barn, then let your sister drive one back. Then you can take turns getting to the driveway.”

“Do you guys plow streets?” Vince asked, curious. “It seems as if this is a little new for you.”

“New, no. Our streets are designed in such a way that they are continuously cleaned. Driveways are sometimes a different matter. Not everyone can afford the technology used to keep the streets debris-free. I have not had to plow in quite some time. Also, it seldom snows where my homes are located.”

“Daddy!” Mik’kenna cried out, “I stuck!”

“I told you the path would be faster,” he said, his strong, long legs pushing through the snow to get to his daughter a mere ten feet away. She held up her arms and he plucked her out of the drift.

“Help puppies,” she said. “Please.”

“Go back,” he motioned to the dogs to turn back. After a few seconds they figured it out and hopped through the deep tracks back to Victoria. “It’s best if the little ones go inside. I do not want them near the tractor,” Zy’nayth said to his wife.

“Oh! Yeah. Please, Mommy, put puppies inside. They no get run over!” She began heading back to usher the dogs inside but Zy’nayth stopped her, assuring her that her mother and Ny’van could handle rounding up the dogs.

After the plowing was done, Zy’nayth sent everyone inside where Janice had hot chocolate waiting for them. “Found a brownie mix, they’re in the oven. Should almost be done.”

Ja’val was sitting in the living room, still queasy but wanted to be with the family. “I’d be willing to try a brownie,” he said.

“It will make you sick,” Victoria said. “You know that, First Science Commander.”

“But they smell good.”

“And they will make you sick. You are doing so much better today, let’s not push it. A sip or two of hot cocoa I’ll allow. Otherwise, tea, broth. I can make some scrambled eggs if you’re hungry.”

“I would like something more than broth. Eggs would be great if you don’t mind.”

“You should have said something,” Lutia admonished her husband. “I’ll make the eggs. Victoria has enough to do.” She playfully slapped her husband’s arm, “You know I’d make eggs for you.”

“I preferred having you by my side where I could gaze into those big, lovely eyes,” his smile was charming and mischievous.

“Mhm,” Lutia’s frown eased into a loving smile as she kissed his cheek.

Chris, sitting on the floor with the kids and dogs, looked up at his wife. “I’m gonna be sore tomorrow. Lessa, you sure you want to go to your parents’ place tonight?”

“We promised,” she replied.

“All right,” he sighed. “You think they’d mind if we showed up early?”

“So we can leave early? Chris, I hardly…”

“Babe, I meant so you guys can do your thing and they can spend a little more time with Mari.”

“You serious? I mean, they’d love it, but…you prefer to show up at the last possible minute.”

“Feeling charitable,” he smiled, “I don’t get along all that well with them, but I know you miss them. We don’t have anything big planned here today, so if you want, we can head over there. Maybe take them out to lunch. I’m trying to be a good husband.”

Alessa went over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, honey. You’re a great husband.”

“Aww shucks,” he grinned, “anything for you, babe.”

John laughed, “I don’t trust him. He’s up to something.”

Chris stood, shaking his head and brushing off his pants. “No. My wife has given up a lot to be with me. I get to see my dad every day but she only gets to see her parents once in a great while. Just feeling a bit guilty.” He looked at Victoria and Vince, “We should be back by 10:00; Vince, I’ll call if we stay the night or something. And Victoria…”

“Cruiser’s yours to use,” she replied with a wave of her hand. “Ky, honey, watch the mug. Boots is trying to sneak a drink.”

“Silly Boots. Cocoa bad for puppies. I sorry, puppy. It good for me but it make you sick.” He bent down and kissed the puppy’s head.

Chris, Alessa, and Maressa got cleaned up then left to visit her parents, who were delighted that their daughter was coming early.

The rest of the family played games, read, talked, and simply relaxed. Even Ja’val was doing much better only two days after taking the serum. If he moved too fast, or drank his water or broth too quickly, he got nauseous immediately. He was steadier on his feet and could make it around on his own, but Lutia wouldn’t allow it.

Mik’kenna went over to her telescope and asked her father for help. He helped her locate a few things that could be seen from where they were, and she sat, studying the planet or moon or star, sketching her find and making detailed notes. At three, she was a meticulous little astronomer.

January 1, 2121

On Earth, the extended family rang in the new year, a concept that the Raythian members of the family found odd, but realized that some of their own traditions, such as not letting people know your name, were probably odd to the earthlings. Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna were just glad that they got more hot cocoa and lots of treats that her mother and Janice were setting out on the dining room table.

Zy’nayth was standing, looking out of the window at the star-filled sky. It was a clear night and every star seemed to sparkle just a little bit brighter than they had in the past few war-weary months. He was content. With Victoria and the twins, his extended family around him, he was content for the first time in millennia.

He was brought out of his thoughts when his comlink buzzed. “Yes?” he answered after tapping to open the connection. The conversation in the dining room came to a halt. When the High Chancellor got a call, everyone stopped what they were doing.

“Sorry to bother you, sir,” Steve Kessler said, “Victoria doesn’t appear to be wearing her comlink. Uh, we’re having trouble with the puppies. They’re crying and howling and getting sick. Been going on for over an hour. I don’t want to interrupt our neighbors, and with our celebrations just starting…” there was a sigh as he shook his head, “I was hoping Victoria had a clue as to what was going on.”

“Both dogs?”

“Yes, sir. Jacob showed up about ten minutes ago asking if I could help Brownie.”

“Daddy? Puppies okay?” Mik’kenna asked when she heard her father say, “Both dogs.”

With another tap of his comlink, the Third Commander, currently in charge of the Terra 2 city-ship, was added to the conversation. “Would you do me a favor?” he asked.

“Of course, sir.”

“Check the two new puppies and see if they are sick? I believe they are in Major Kessler’s quarters.”

“On my way,” the Third said with a bit of a chuckle in his voice.

“Daddy! We should go! Puppies may need your special energy!” Mik’kenna was almost frantic.

“There is nothing special about my energy,” Zy’nayth said to his daughter. “The Third can handle it if they are not well. Major, did you two feed them anything other than their dog food?”

“No, sir,” he replied after checking with Jacob.

Mik’kenna was now standing right next to her father, her little hands gripped his pantleg, as her bright blue eyes filled with tears of worry.

“Sissy,” Ky’nayth said, “Third will make sure puppies are okay. You should try cake. It really good.”

“But it might be the puppy poisoners again,” she said as big tears ran down her cheeks. “Daddy, no let them be back.”

“Those men are in prison, Mik’kenna. I do not believe the dogs have been poisoned. They are in new and unfamiliar surroundings and are probably a little scared.”

“Third just got here,” Steve said. “Thanks, Commander, sorry to bother you for such…well…poor things…”

Zy’nayth sat in one of the chairs, Mik’kenna right at his side. Her little hands on his thigh, looking up into his silver eyes, waiting for the report about the beloved dogs.

“Sir, there is nothing physically wrong with them,” the Third Commander said. “I am checking them again. I do sense that they are scared, not quite terrified, but highly agitated.”

“Has there been an accident or anything unusual?”

“No. Been quiet with it being the holiday. No teams out. Even the infirmary is empty, except for one doc and one nurse,” Steve answered.

The Third again said that both puppies were free of any injury or illness. Zy’nayth sighed, “Third, are you on duty at the moment?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Run scans on the ship, perhaps there was an accident that was not reported. Or perhaps after the landing a repair or unrepaired part of the ship has caused an issue that we did not find on our initial scans. The dogs may sense something amiss. Major, perhaps returning the dogs here would be all they need. They may simply miss the other dogs. I am sure that Mik’kenna and Ky’nayth will take good care of them.”

“I can go there,” Mik’kenna said, “I pack my jammies. I go there and help puppies.”

“Sweetheart, that is very considerate of you, but it is best if we try to eliminate possibilities, one of which is being in a new location.”

“I’ll be there asap,” Steve replied. Then Zy’nayth overheard him tell Jacob not to worry and to go back to bed.

Mik’kenna went back to her seat and pushed the cake around on her plate, too worried about Brownie and Samson to eat.

“I’m sure they are fine,” Chris said. “Would anyone mind if I opened the basement door to let the dogs up. I know Miss Mik’kenna won’t eat until she knows they’re okay and that means she’ll want to be downstairs with them.”

“Go ahead,” Zy’nayth said. “Lutia, would you mind if I put that baby gate there in front of the door so that the dogs cannot come in and disturb our celebratory dessert?”

“All yours.”

Chris and Zy’nayth excused themselves and just as Zy’nayth returned with the baby gate, the yapping of the dogs could be heard. Mik’kenna flew past her father and ran to the basement door. Chris grabbed her before she hit the stairs. “No running,” he said, “don’t want you falling and getting hurt.”

“Mik’kenna,” Zy’nayth’s voice came booming through the house, “please return to the dining room.”


Chris nudged the little girl, “Go on. Don’t make him ask you twice, you know he doesn’t like that.”


“Go, Kenna, please. The dogs will be fine. No amount of worry on your part is going to change the situation. Go on.”

With her head bowed she slowly made her way back to the dining room. Zy’nayth passed her on the way, “I will check the two puppies. Enjoy your dessert.”

“Kay,” she said with a sigh and a tear.

Zy’nayth knelt down and looked her in the eyes, “Honey, I will make sure they are okay. I promise.”

Mik’kenna nodded and continued to the dining room. Steve came walking up, a puppy in each hand, the older dogs, who’d gone to see who was coming, were jumping around the major, sniffing, and letting out little barks while all of the other puppies pouncing around them.

Zy’nayth checked both dogs and, as his Third had said, both were physically fine. “Steve, we will keep them for the night. Maybe they just missed the others.”

“But it’s really weird. They’d been on the ship before. I don’t know. Maybe it’s everyone’s heightened mood with the celebration tonight. Sensory overload for the little guys.”

“Perhaps,” Zy’nayth responded, then his comlink buzzed.

“Sir, I think we have the answer,” the Third Commander didn’t bother with a greeting, he went straight to the report. “There have been some minor tremors on the mainland for the last hour. Not enough to do any damage, but they are coming in swarms. I have the Third Science Commander looking into the cause since I don’t think this has happened since we’ve been allied with Expedition: Andromeda.”

“Good work. That was probably it. If anyone is on the mainland, have them return to the city, just in case. The stabilizers will handle any shock if there does happen to be a major quake in the making. I will inform everyone down here. Thank you, Third.”

“Glad to have something to do. Was getting bored.”

“Bored? Remind me to add more to your task list.”

“Not that bored, sir. I will contact you if something new arises.”

Zy’nayth ended the call then looked at Steve and told him what had transpired. “You are welcome to stay and have some of these desserts the ladies made if you would like. We have plenty.”

“I’m still stuffed from Julia’s big dinner, and I know Alan has something big planned for tonight. Thank you for the offer.”

“I will return the pups in the morning. Mik’kenna will want to dote on them tonight. If they start acting up again, I will let you know, but I think the swarms were upsetting them.”

“Most likely. I’ll let Jacob and Julia know. Thanks for tending to them.”

When Zy’nayth returned to the dinner table, he let everyone know what was going on.

“Perhaps I’ll head back after dinner,” Vince said.

“No need. My Third can handle the situation,” Zy’nayth said. “If anything does turn up, he knows to launch. I have already asked him to recall those on the mainland though Steve said no one is out.”

“Daddy, can I please go see the puppies, just to let them know that they’re safe here? Please!” Mik’kenna asked.

“Yes. But remember to wash your hands before you return to the table.”

“May I go please, too?” Ky’nayth asked.

Zy’nayth nodded and the two kids bolted from the room. They were only gone a couple of minutes returning much calmer.

“So do you think there’s an issue brewing with seismic activity on Terra 2?” David asked.

“I am sure that it is nothing to worry about,” Zy’nayth said. “If there were major tectonic issues we would have picked up on that long before now.”

“I agree. I’ve had my team scanning that planet since you guys stepped foot on it. If I missed something like a huge tectonic buckle, so to speak, he’d best fire me,” Ja’val said pointing to Zy’nayth.

“Did you say that the tremors started an hour ago?” Vince asked.

“According to my Third, yes.”

“And he didn’t find out about it until you had him check for something?”

“Vince, you know my Third would have informed both of us the moment the tremors started if he was aware of them. I assure you that there is nothing…”

Vince waved his hand, “No, no, I’m not placing blame. At least not on your men. I’m wondering why my men didn’t inform the Third of the tremors the minute they showed up on our sensors.”

“Probably just an oversight,” John said. “You have to admit things are probably not being attended to as diligently as normal with it being a holiday. And, honestly, we don’t know what every blip means on most of those screens. Given the condition the ship’s in, they probably thought nothing of it since it didn’t trigger a major alarm.”

Vince groaned, “Not an excuse, colonel, you know that.”

“Gentlemen,” Victoria said, “let’s not ruin our evening by worrying over this. Now that the Third and Kessler are aware of things, I’m sure the crew will be reprimanded accordingly. Neither man will want to lose your confidence. Let them handle it. Consider it an opportunity to see how they do. Steve really hasn’t been in charge of the entire complex before, at least not for an extended period of time. He probably won’t be sleeping tonight, he’ll be tracking down who knew about this and didn’t report it.”

Vince let out a sigh, “You’re right, but I am concerned that I’ve let things get a little lax in the control room.”

“I’m sure that if there is a problem,” Kaven said, “you’ll fix it the minute you get back to Terra 2. Now, like the lady said, let’s enjoy our holiday. We’ve earned it. And, actually, so has the E:A crew. It’s been a pretty bad year. Sounds like this is minor, and since we’ve never encountered it before, the crew probably didn’t know what to do.”

“In which case, they should have brought it to the attention…”

“General,” Zy’nayth interrupted, “we can deal with this later. My Third will tend to matters. If he feels your men were negligent in any way, he will inform either one or both of us. But I believe my men are at the controls, not yours. That was the plan. Rayth handling Terra 2 until the holidays are over. I trust my men, General. They will not let anything happen to the ship or your people.”

Vince sighed and nodded. “I’m sorry, everyone.”

“So, Mik’kenna, did you finish your sketch of Venus?” Chris asked.

Mik’kenna brightened, “I not good at drawing yet, but I did my best. I check it after cake and see if there are changes.”

“Ky, how’s your train design coming?” Lutia asked.

“Daddy helped me load stuff into my tablet so I can design on it. I have all the track pieces in there and I’m making the shape now so I can start building when we get home. Sissy’s gonna help design the towns. Daddy’s gonna sync our tablets so we can work at same time.”

“Your daddy’s pretty handy like that,” Victoria smiled.

“Is Daddy going to move all of the furniture out of the house so that the train can be set up?” Chris asked with a grin.

Zy’nayth smiled, “I programmed in the dimensions of the chambers along with a rough idea of where the furniture is located. My son will have to design around it.”

“Other than drawing Venus and designing towns, what else were you two up to while we were baking?” Janice asked.

“We played games,” Ky’nayth said, “and played with the puppies. We trying to teach them to remember their names. But silly puppies just want to play.”

“Well, this is a new place for all of them, and none of them knew each other before coming here, so they need a little time to get acquainted with things,” Janice said. “You know what, when we get back to Terra 2, and you guys come over while your mom and dad are working, you could help me teach Boots some tricks.”

Ky’nayth nodded, “Boots is smart. He know his name already. But Sissy and I can teach him to fetch and shake and sit and pray and all kinds of stuff.”

“Well I would certainly appreciate the help. When I had a puppy back when I was a kid, I never was able to get her to do any tricks. Even trying to get her to fetch usually ended up with her running after the ball, getting it then running away from me, making me chase her to get the ball back.”

Lutia erupted into laughter, “In other words, the dog trained you.”

“Pretty much,” Janice replied.

Once everyone had their fill of sweets, the men, cleaned up the dining room and did all of the dishes by hand. The women put the food away on the kitchen island to let everyone grab more if they wanted, then they settled in the living room.

“Plates are out, so help yourselves. The only thing not out is the cheesecake, just open the fridge and you’ll see it. Ice cream, obviously, is in the freezer.”

“Victoria, all of you ladies,” Chris said, “the dinner, those desserts, everything was amazing. I love coming here, hanging out with all of you, having lots of good food, and just relaxing. And like Kaven said, after this past year, we all earned a little R and R.”

“R and R?” Ky’nayth asked.

“Rest and relaxation,” John explained.

Brownie launched herself from a pillow into Ky’nayth’s lap and smothered him with kisses.

“At least the pups seem to be fine,” his father said. “Children, we will take them back in the morning.”

“But what if still swarmies?” Mik’kenna asked.

“She does have a point,” Kaven said. “Better just contact Steve or your Third and check on that before sending the pups back.”

“If the swarms are what triggered the reaction from the pups, we will know when we take them back and a swarm happens.”

“Uncle Kaven right,” Ky’nayth said. “If still swarmies in the morning, Sissy and I go back with Brownie and Samson. We try to tell them its ‘kay, but if they too scared, we bring them back.”

“We will see how things go in the morning, but I think if you two did go back to give the dogs to Steve and Pastor, that would help them to adjust.”

Mik’kenna climbed up on her father’s lap and gave him a hug and a kiss, “Thanks, Daddy.”

Victoria curled up on her husband’s lap and dozed off. She only slept for fifteen minutes, then apologized profusely for nodding off.

“You’ve had a long day,” Ny’van said, “no need to apologize.”

Zy’nayth gave his wife a tender kiss, “I love you. Go back to sleep.”

Victoria chuckled, “I love you too, and I think I will go back to sleep, but in bed. I’m beat, guys. Ky, Kenna, come on, you should come to bed as well. The puppies will need extra rest.”


Aside from Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna who were roused by the dogs to go out, nearly everyone was still asleep at 8:00. The kids grabbed themselves some fruit and a piece of pie after feeding the dogs. Then Ky’nayth went back to working on his train design while Mik’kenna went to check Venus against her sketches.

Alessa and Chris were the first adults to stir and when Chris asked the twins if they had eaten breakfast he frowned. “Your mother will have a fit that you two had pie,” he said.

“But it has fruit,” Mik’kenna said with the most innocent three-year-old face she could muster.

“Yes it does, and you still know better.” He looked at his wife, “Would you mind making some eggs or something for them?”

“I no want eggs,” Mik’kenna said, “had them every day. Can I please have pancakes?”

“You’ve had enough sweets this morning,” Chris replied.

“How about oatmeal?” Alessa said.

“I ‘pose,” she said, “but I not really hungry.”

“You need something a little more nutritious than cherry pie and half of a banana.”

“I had apple,” Ky’nayth said, “it more better than cherry.”

“You’re getting some oatmeal too,” Chris said.

“Can I please have some fried ham with it too?”

“I think I can manage that,” Alessa said. “Honey, oatmeal okay for you?”

“Anything is fine,” he smiled, “thank you. I can fry up the ham if you want some help. All the dogs been out?”

“Yes. And Brownie and Samson were good all night. I think it was just the swarmies that scared them.”

“Probably,” he said then kissed the tops of their heads, “thank you for taking such good care of them.”

Mik’kenna bowed her head, “Sorry ‘bout the pie.”

“Sorry ‘bout pie too, but it’s so good.”

Chris smiled, “It is. Now if I don’t get in there and help Aunt Lessa, I’m going to starve to death.”

Kol’non and Be’atta were the next couple up, and unfortunately for Be’atta, the morning sickness was bad again.

“I’m not sure if it’s that or if I just overate last night. Everything was so good.”

“I’m guessing it’s a little bit of both,” Alessa smiled. “Here, I haven’t taken a bite yet, have a little, and I’ll fix you some hot tea. That helped yesterday, right?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Kol’non, oatmeal okay for you?”

“Yes, but go ahead and eat, I can make my own.”

Mik’kenna looked at the Rayth, “Can you please get me a glass of milk? I forgot.”

“Of course,” he replied and looked at Ky’nayth, “what would you like?”

“Milk please.”

Victoria and Zy’nayth walked in with John and Vince several minutes later.

“Oatmeal is almost ready,” Kol’non said, “grab a bowl, get your drinks.”

“Is Uncle Kol’non’s oatmeal any good?” Victoria asked her kids.

“I no know,” Mik’kenna said, “Aunt Lessa made ours. It good.”

“Mommy,” Ky’nayth said, “we were bad and had pie for breakfast. I had apple, Sissy had cherry. We shared a banana.”

Zy’nayth walked over and sat next to his son. “Thank you for being honest. Alessa, thank you for getting them something a little more nutritious.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Mik’kenna said. “Uncle Chris said I knew better.”

“And do you?”

“Yes. I sorry.”

“Both of you are forgiven.”

Victoria handed her husband a glass of milk, “I’m very proud of both of you for telling the truth,” she said. “Honey, want some toast?”

“Yes, please,” Zy’nayth replied.

Just as Victoria and Zy’nayth began to eat their breakfast, Janice came in. Kol’non gave her the same instructions and she poured herself a glass of juice while the Rayth filled a bowl with oatmeal.

As Zy’nayth began to eat, he tapped his comlink, “Major, are the tremors still occurring?”

“Yes, sir,” Steve Kessler answered, “just minor swarms still. Nothing over a 2.5 on our scale.”

“I want to make sure that is what was causing the dogs to act erratically. Would you see if Pastor and Julia could come and get the dogs. Mik’kenna and Ky’nayth will return with them. If the tremors are still happening and the dogs get upset once they bridge in, we will know. But if they do not get upset…we will just have to assume they missed the kids and the other dogs.”

“Will do.”

“If the dogs do act up, they are more than welcome to stay down here until a few of the older dogs return in a couple of days. They may be able to calm the young ones down.”

“Thanks. I’ll send for Pastor now.”

“Thank you, Major.”

“I have a new job for you two,” Zy’nayth said to his children. “Pastor and Julia will be coming to get Brownie and Samson, and I would like you to go back with them and see if the quakes still cause them to act up. If they do, and if Pastor and Steve want, the puppies can come back here. If they do not, then they stay with their guardians.”

“Kay,” Ky’nayth said as he took his empty bowl to the counter next to the sink. “I ready.”

“I am not sure when Pastor and Julia will arrive. There is no hurry.”

Jacob and Julia arrived thirty minutes later. “The kids are eager to help out,” Janice warned them, “they’ve had the dogs ready since Zy called Steve.”

“They love those dogs,” Jacob said, “I’m glad they care so much.”

“They’re really compassionate, especially for being so young.”

“Pastor, Julia, sorry to make you come, but I thought it would be a good mini-mission for the children,” Zy’nayth said. “I thought it would be good practice to let them go without me accompanying them.”

“I’m sure they’ll do a good job,” Julia smiled, “and it’s no inconvenience at all. Did you all have a good celebration yesterday?”

“Tiring,” Victoria said, “and fattening. I ate way too many sweets.”

Mik’kenna and Ky’nayth came bounding down the hallway with Brownie and Samson trotting behind. “They be good all night and all today,” Mik’kenna said, “no bark, no howl, no sicky. I think it just the swarmies.”

“Swarmies?” Julia asked.

“The quake swarms,” Zy’nayth explained. “Because the children are so close with the dogs, they should be able to pick up any nervousness they dogs may have even before they start acting nervous.”

“Major Kessler had another idea,” Jacob said, “if they do get all erratic again, he suggested taking them up in a shuttle. That way we will know if it’s just the different surroundings of the city or not. The shuttle will be just as different as the city-ship, but if they calm when we get up in the air, we think we can be more sure of it being the earthquakes.”

“Very well,” Zy’nayth said, “but I want either the Major or my Third to pilot the shuttle. I do not trust just anyone to take my children on a flight.”

“I understand,” Jacob said. “We shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes. If things seem like they’re going to take longer, I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you. And the children will not need you to escort them back. Just contact me to let me know they are bridging over.”

“We big enough to go by selves now,” Ky’nayth stated.

“Not quite yet,” his father stated, “I simply trust that there will be no issues between the city-ship’s control room and the bridge in the barn. This is not permission to go bridge hopping around the galaxies by yourselves.”

“Daddy, I know how to get to home and island home and palace home,” Ky’nayth said with his hands on his hips. “I can put in code.”

“I know you can, but it is not safe for you to travel without an adult.”

“Then I need a stun gun. I be fine.”

“We will discuss this later, right now, you need to tend to Brownie and Samson. We must find out what is bothering them on Terra 2, and I trust only you and your sister to do this.”

“Oh! Kay, Daddy! Sissy and I will find out.”

“Both of you have your comlinks on?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” Ky’nayth saluted.

“Son, Rayth do not salute their superiors. We bow, remember?”

“Sorry,” he said and gave his father a bow respectful of his father’s military rank.

“That was very good, however, when we are among family, you do not need to bow to me.”

“I know. I just practicing.”

After twins gave hugs and kisses to each parent, they went to the bridge portal and crossed over to the city-ship docked on Terra 2.

A swarm of small quakes had just started when Pastor Jacob, Julia, the twins, and the two puppies bridged onto the city-ship.

Samson greeted Steve with a yip and a wagging tail, but a moment later both dogs began whimpering then howling.

“Swarmies,” Mik’kenna said with a knowing nod of her head. “Is there swarmies happening Commander?”

The Third Commander gave her a nod. “That seems to be the case.”

Jacob told Steve that the High Chancellor was okay with the shuttle test, but that only Steve or the Third could pilot since the children would be going.

“Third, do you want to do it, or would you like me to? I don’t care either way.”

The Third Commander replied, “I’ll take them. Let’s go kids. How much longer until next wave?”

“Nine minutes, Commander,” one of the control room crew said.

The puppies didn’t want to move, but each twin picked one up and dutifully carried the squirming balls of fur to the hangar bay.

“After this, we can bridge to the flagship for the next swarm,” the Third said over his comlink to Steve. “Just another test to satisfy the bosses.”


“Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna,” he said keeping a straight face. “At nine-minute intervals, we can get that in before the High Chancellor expects them back on Earth.”

“Let me contact him first. Just so we don’t get yelled at by doing something with his kids he didn’t know about.”

“Of course. At the shuttle bay.” Steve could hear both of the puppies still howling, then whimpering, then howling again.

“It’s ‘kay,” Mik’kenna said as they sat on the floor in the shuttle, “it’s ‘kay, just swarmies. They no hurt you.”

“Honey, may I hold Brownie?” Julia asked.

“She really shaking,” Mik’kenna said as she handed the puppy to her guardian. “Very scared.”

“The tremors have stopped,” Steve reported, “the dogs are still howling?”

The Third, somewhat isolated in the front of the shuttle gave the affirmative.

“Cleared to launch.”

“I will wait a minute or two to see if the dogs quiet now that the tremor has stopped,” came the reply.

Thirty minutes later, Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna were back on Earth, the two puppies with them, as well as Pastor Jacob.

“Pretty sure it’s the earthquakes,” he told Zy’nayth. “The pups were quite fine in the shuttle once we were off of Terra 2, so it can’t be Mythican tech that has them scared. They were also fine on the flagship, so we can rule out new and strange surroundings.”

“Hopefully with most of you returning tomorrow and Friday with your dogs, the pups will settle.”

“If worse comes to worse,” Zy’nayth said, “we can set up a puppy center at my island home and everyone can just move there.”

Jacob tilted his head and Victoria burst out laughing. “We’ll figure something out,” she said. “He’s just being silly now.”

“Daddy, I has idea,” Ky’nayth said, “well, we can try maybe.”

“What is your idea?”

“Baxter and Celeste very good at taking care of puppies. Sissy and I can go back with puppies and with Baxter and Celeste. We make sure our puppies know it safe in swarmie time, then they make sure Brownie and Samson not be scared.”

Zy’nayth thought about it a moment. “Pastor, are you up to another test?”

“You think it’ll work?”

“The twins and their dogs are quite in tune, if you will, with each other. I am confident they can convince their own dogs that it is safe. I am not as confident that the dogs can, in turn, calm the puppies, but it is worth a try.”

“All right, let’s give it a shot,” Jacob said.

The kids summoned their own dogs then they headed back to city-ship. Zy’nayth was relieved when the twins returned thirty minutes later saying that the puppies were fine, but that they felt that Baxter and Celeste should stay on Terra 2. Steve and Jacob were more than happy to look after them.

“I told Pastor that we check tomorrow,” Mik’kenna said, “and if puppies ‘kay still, we bring Celeste and Baxter home.”

“Or maybe just one,” Ky’nayth said, “in case puppies get scared again.”

“I think that is a wise decision,” Zy’nayth said.

“I already lonely without Celeste,” Mik’kenna said.

“I’m sure she misses you too,” Victoria replied, “but we have a house filled with dogs and now you can shower each of them with a little more love.”

“I know you miss them,” Chris chimed in, “but it’s for the best. Celeste and Baxter will take really good care of the puppies.” Be’atta, you okay?” he said noticing the very pale woman walking in from the kitchen with another cup of hot tea.

“Not really, I think I’m going to make a mess.”

Victoria and Zy’nayth ran to her. Victoria grabbed the cup out of her hand while Zy’nayth slipped an arm around the woman warrior. “Sofa or bathroom?” he asked.

“Bathroom,” she replied.

Lutia and Janice overheard the comment and made sure the path was clear of toys and games. As soon as she walked into the bathroom, she went to her knees in front of the commode. Janice booted Zy’nayth from the room and began tending to her patient who, thankfully, didn’t get sick.

“I think I’m okay now. I just keep getting light headed when I’m on my feet.”

“Then you should have asked one of us to go and get you more tea,” Janice chided.

Be’atta, now sitting with her back against the wall waved off her remark, “I don’t want to be a bother.”

“One of us going to get you some tea isn’t going to bother anything or anyone. Now, you want to go rest in your own bed or the sofa?”

“I’m okay now. The living room sofa is fine. I like being with my family.”

“I can carry you if you would like,” Zy’nayth said.

“I…” she stood and immediately her head started to spin.

“Zy, slowly lift her,” Victoria said.

“Be, what’s wrong?” Kol’non asked as he came running in. “Honey…”

“Just the morning sickness.”

Zy’nayth slowly lifted Be’atta so that the rush of being swept up into his arms wouldn’t make her condition worse, then he carried her to the sofa. She thanked him, closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. His hand went down on her chest and he checked to see if there was anything other than morning sickness causing the dizziness.

“Kol’non did you check her this morning?” he asked as his energy seeped into her.

“No. What’s wrong?”

“She has an ear infection. I should reprimand you for not taking better care of your wife.”

Be’atta managed a chuckle, “Not his fault. We both thought it was just the baby.”


“Confirmed,” Chief Science Officer Jil’ana said to General Karken’al, “regular swarms of quakes, nine minutes apart.”

“The planet’s having contractions?” Karkan’al said with a raised eyebrow and a feeble attempt at humor.

Jil’ana shook her head as she put her hands on her hips, “The planet is geologically stable. This shouldn’t be happening. If I attempt any more scans, either those two Rayth warships circling the planet or the Rayth on board the Mythican vessel will detect us. I’m good, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk.”

“Any word on if Zy’nayth has returned?” he looked to his First Officer, Tel’lok.

“Can’t confirm anything, but I highly doubt it. Scout near Earth says the Raythian flagship hasn’t moved. I doubt she’ll move without Zy’nayth on board or unless Zy’nayth bridges back to Andromeda.”

“Then no more scans. I’d rather have us detected with Zy’nayth here.”

“With all due respect, General,” one of the bridge officers said, “that’s crazy. We’ll be lucky to get out of here alive if one of those warships see us. That luck disappears altogether if Zy’nayth is part of the equation.”

“I know. But I also know, or rather believe, that Zy’nayth will listen to what we have to say.” He walked over and put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “We wait and watch. And we hope I’m right. Tel’lok, we need to put some distance between us and the planet. Jil’ana, see if you can come up with a reason for the tremors without being able to scan the planet. If we don’t know the cause, the earthlings won’t. Not sure about the Rayth, but if I’m going to face Zy’nayth, this could be the perfect opportunity approach the High Chancellor.”

“Offer him the solution to the problem?” Jil’ana guessed.









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