E:A Vol 5 Ch 11—October 7, 2120

October 7, 2120

Victoria had been looking forward to being back on Earth and celebrating the twins’ third birthday. Vince, John, Kaven, Ny’van, Chris and Alessa, David, Amelia, Becket, Ja’val and Lutia, Janice, and Be’atta and Kol’non were all in attendance for the party and the vacation. Amelia’s parents, Pastor Jacob and Julia, came down on Saturday, returned to Terra 2 on Sunday so Jacob could conduct the Sunday worship service, then returned on Monday for the birthday party before returning to Terra 2 on Tuesday morning. Everyone else was in for the duration of their week-long stay. Vince had made numerous trips to the estate, but that was to help get the tunnel built to the barn. Once or twice he joined the family for dinner, but this was his first vacation with them. It was also Ny’van’s first time there as part of the family. He teased that they only wanted more Rayth to help with the heavy work.

On the Saturday prior to the birthday party, the ladies, Pastor Jacob, Becket, and Chris, the appointed bodyguard and transport driver, had spent a day shopping while the others worked on getting the place dusted off, did a grocery run, stockpiled firewood in case they visited during the winter, and then worked on the suite over the garage. Sunday’s focus was on the suite. Janice and Be’atta loved working with their hands and were often sawing or hammering right alongside of the men. The rest of the ladies handled cooking duties and playing with the twins or watching over the newborns. The early October weather was almost warm. It was still in upper 60s, unusual for that time of year, but it helped the group with their building project, especially allowing the kids to play with the seven dogs outside and in their rarely-used playhouse.

Victoria only had one nightmare since being scanned back in September, and for that, Zy’nayth was thankful. His ships on patrol had not picked up anything out of the ordinary since Victoria had her first major nightmare. Again, that was something for which he was thankful. But still, he kept his ships on alert.

As for Di’vash and Ca’vak, even though Zy’nayth thought that there was no threat, either from them or anyone else, he kept them in a secure facility on Kiva. Not a prison, not quite a safe house, something in between. Zy’nayth and Kol’non determined which ships they’d be sent to, but Zy’nayth wanted another check on their crews to make sure, as much as possible, that none of the crew would be enticed by anything his two nephews had to offer.

Meanwhile, Algo, Captain of the Alandrovians, had given the rebel Leader five very impressive battleships instead of the three originally offered. Then Algo gave the rebels the help needed to get the decoy fleet up to the numbers the Leader wanted. He also said he could extract Di’vash and Ca’vak if the Leader wanted them for the attack. As plans were finalized with direction from Algo, Victoria’s family celebrated the twins’ third birthday on October 7, 2120.

“The kids loved the cake,” Victoria said to Janice who helped make the treat. “I loved the cake! Delicious.”

“Kay guys!” John called out, “Bed time! Let’s all gather in the living room and have some prayers and things. Finish the dishes in the morning. It’s almost 11:00 and us working boys have to be up early!”

“Yes, sir,” Janice grinned, “let us at least get the dirty dishes into the kitchen.” The dishes were all taken and piled in the kitchen, the group prayed together then everyone retired for the evening.

The twins were staying with Zy’nayth and Victoria since their bedrooms were needed for the guests. The kids liked the idea, and had their little sleeping bags all set up on the floor with little piles of blankets for the dogs to sleep on.

“Thank you for birthday presents and party,” Ky’nayth said.

“Yeah! Thank you!” Mik’kenna said from the bathroom where she was changing into her pajamas. “Mommy, I stuck.”

Victoria went in and helped rearrange the nightgown so that her daughter could get her arms in the sleeves. “I think you and your brother are going to sleep well. All of that running and excitement…and all of that cake!”

Mik’kenna giggled. “It good cake!”

October 8, 2120

The next day, the men started back on their tasks. The women were ordered to relax, watch over the babies, and play with the twins and dogs. But, for the most part, they were just as busy. With the men working on the suite, the women took care of getting the ten-acre lawn back in shape, handling all the food duties, and seeing that the men had plenty of refreshments while they were building things.

“Well, we got a lot done. I know I’m going to sleep well tonight,” Victoria said as she sank into her seat at the dining table, “Okay, who wants to pray?”

“I will!” Ky’nayth raised his hand.

Zy’nayth gave his son a nod and Ky’nayth gave thanks for the food. The dishes were passed around and everyone, despite being hungry, ate at a relaxed pace and enjoyed each other’s company. Victoria smiled as she thought about the family gatherings here with her grandparents, especially when her own parents were still alive. Good food, great company, fun games, the house filled with warmth, laughter, and love. That’s what it felt like again after so many years of heartache and desolation. She had a new family now, and friends that she considered family. Many of them having bled for her. She would always cherish them.

“Daddy, I like new boosty seat. You and Bubby did good job,” Mik’kenna said as she sat proudly at the table, “Dis perfect.”

“You did a good job helping. Both of you did,” Zy’nayth said.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

“You two were a big help today,” Janice said. “We got the outer lawn mowed that David didn’t get to before the party, and all that cleaning we did in the shed, basement, and garage. All cleaned out. You guys helped so much.”

“It lot work,” Mik’kenna nodded. “Bubby work hardest. He drive tractor and pick up sticks and carry things up and down stairs. I just help with puppies and babies. He do hard work.”

“Both of you worked hard,” Victoria said. “It’s not easy taking care of babies and watching over puppies. Both of you are hard little workers. And thanks to all of you, my basement, shed, and garage are better organized. I really like that we cleared out so much junk. More room in the basement. We could probably look into updating that family area down there. Never wanted to because there was so much stuff in that room.”

“Victoria, all you must do is ask,” Zy’nayth said. “I am more than capable of carrying boxes.”

October 9, 2120

On Wednesday, David had again arranged for a transport, and they all took a break and went into the nearest big city to do some shopping. The Rayth wore their long white hair tied up on their heads under baseball hats and did their best to not look out of place. The stores were all busy and no one really paid any attention to them.

Zy’nayth did not like being out in public on Earth for fear of his appearance causing too much trouble, but he knew that the twins wanted him to go. So with very non-typical jeans and sweatshirts, plus baseball caps, the Rayth joined the rest of the family.

“I prefer our businesses,” Ny’van said as they walked around a tower mall. “Small, specialized, and, I would like to think, of better quality. There are nearly a hundred stores in this tower.”

“We take shopping very seriously,” Janice smiled at him. “And there are a lot of specialized stores, we just put them all in one building or area.”

“Far too busy for my taste, but given the population of your planet, I suppose retail space is limited.”

“That’s certainly true,” she replied.

October 11, 2120

It was Friday, October 11, 2120 and almost 1:00 in the morning when Victoria let out a blood-curdling scream that woke not only her husband and startled the kids, but woke everyone in the house. Soon there was clamoring outside the bedroom door, John and Vince, still in their pajamas, pushed their way through, guns drawn and burst into the bedroom.

“It is all right,” Zy’nayth said as he held his wife close, “Just another nightmare.”

Ky’nayth and Mik’kenna climbed up onto the bed and wrapped their arms around their sobbing mother. “No cry, Mommy,” Ky’nayth said, “just bad dream. It no hurt you.”

“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry for scaring you guys,” she said, embracing her children.

Becket made his way forward through the group after running back and grabbing his scanner. Ja’val was right behind him with his own.

“They’re just nightmares,” Victoria said as they surrounded her.

“Yes, yes,” Becket said, “but let’s make sure nothing’s going on.”

“I have checked,” Zy’nayth said, “I saw nothing. She did have a sneezing fit when we settled in for the night, but nothing more. Could it be a new virus?”

“My scanner isn’t showing anything. Sneezing was probably allergies,” Becket said a few seconds later. “Ja’val, you see anything?”

“Nothing,” Ja’val replied as Becket went about checking her pulse and blood pressure.

“Sorry for nightmares, Mommy,” Ky’nayth said, “Sissy and I pray harder.”

“The nightmares aren’t your fault, but thank you for praying. I need all the prayers I can get,” she smiled at them.

“May I ask what this nightmare was about? Was it the same as the others?” Ja’val asked.

“Since I don’t really remember them, I can’t say it was the same, but that overall feeling, yes, that was the same. Though this one had Jason in it,” Victoria said, speaking of her dead violently abusive husband, “I remember that. It was horrible.” She shook her head and buried it into Zy’nayth’s chest. “Zy, are you sure he’s gone?”

“Yes. I can assure he is.”

“So can I,” Becket said. “He can’t hurt you any more, love. You’re in a house full of people who love you. Not to mention people who are well-armed and combat-ready. And there’s this really big guy sleeping next to you who’s rather adept at fighting off people.”

Victoria sighed and closed her eyes. “Something’s wrong,” she said, “I just feel like something’s terribly wrong. I don’t have nightmares. Not like this. And other than Jason, I had that same sense of…” she stopped, not wanting to mention death and blood with the twins there, “the same feeling as before.”

“Do you have that feeling during the day?” Becket asked.

“No. I might have a passing thought or two…and that’s only just trying to figure out what might be causing the nightmares, but nothing feels out of the ordinary. It’s only when I wake up at night after the nightmares—that’s when everything feels wrong. It’s probably just the residual effects of the nightmare itself.”

“Are there any major stresses going on that we don’t know about?” Becket asked.

She shook her head. “Nothing. The things that I had been worried about are in the past. I’m here having fun with my family, nothing stressing me at all.”

“We can discuss it further in the morning,” Zy’nayth said. “The children are worried and I know they are tired. We are all tired. Unless you wish to discuss it now, Victoria, I think we should try to get back to sleep, but if you want to talk, we can tuck the children back in and go downstairs to talk.”

“There’s nothing really to discuss. I’m having nightmares for no reason. I just want to curl up in bed with my hubby and my babies and sleep peacefully without nightmares.”

The family gathered around the bed and Becket let them in prayer.

“If you can,” Amelia said after the prayer was finished, “sleep in tomorrow. We’ll take care of breakfast.”

“I’ll try, thanks.”

“Mommy, we sleep with you and Daddy,” Mik’kenna said as she crawled under the covers between her parents, “help keep nightmares away. We might be too far ‘way when we on floor. We snuggle. That help, I sure.”

“I’d appreciate that, sweetie.”

“Puppies too,” Ky’nayth said as he patted the bed calling the dogs up to him.

“Ky’nayth, I know you mean well, but remember to ask permission before calling the dogs up onto our bed,” Zy’nayth said. “It is all right this time, but please remember to ask next time.”

“Sorry, Daddy. I just want Mommy better and puppies good helpers.”

Zy’nayth tousled his son’s hair and kissed the top of his head. “I know. I love you. Good night.”

Victoria slept well the rest of the night. There were no more nightmares and she even managed to sleep a later than normal. She was surprised to find her children in the room playing checkers when she woke up.

“Sorry, Mommy, we wake you?” Mik’kenna asked. “We try be quiet.”

“No honey, you didn’t wake me. Why aren’t you two out playing in your house or with your new toys?”

“We stay with you in case nightmare. Daddy say it ‘kay if we quiet,” Ky’nayth said.

Victoria got out of the sumptuous bed and knelt to hug both of her children. “Well, thank you. I didn’t have any more nightmares last night. Did you have breakfast?”

“Miss Lutia made scammered eggs,” Mik’kenna replied, “and hash taytoes.”

“And Miss Be’atta made fruity drink. I like those,” Ky’nayth said.

“They are pretty good,” Victoria smiled. “And now that I’m awake, you two don’t have to babysit me anymore. You can go play.”

“Kay,” Mik’kenna said, “after game. We glad you no have no more bad dreams.”

After a quick shower, Victoria made her way down to the kitchen. The kids were already there, talking with Lutia and helping to make their mother’s breakfast.

“I said you could go and play,” Victoria said.

“But we help,” Ky’nayth said. “And still hungry.”

“You can’t possibly be hungry,” Lutia said, “each of you had a big helping of eggs and hashbrowns.”

“But good! We need more.”

“I’ll share,” Victoria said then looked at Lutia, “The guys working on the garage?”

“Yeah, everyone is.”

“Mommy, you want bacon?” Mik’kenna asked as she stirred the scrambled eggs.

“No thank you, sweetheart.”

“Then can make some for me and Bubby?”

“Did you have some with your breakfast?”

“Two pieces. But it probably all ‘gested now, so more is ‘kay.”

Victoria shook her head, “I think that’s enough for this morning. We’ll be having steaks for lunch, and they’ll be wrapped in bacon.”

“John was asking about those filets,” Lutia grinned, “worried they might go to waste.”

“I’d never let that happen. Truth be told, I love steak probably more than he does.”

“Taters done,” Ky’nayth said, prodding them with a spatula, “I think.”

Lutia checked the eggs and the hashbrowns. “Both are. Thank you so much for helping,” she said as she scooped the eggs out onto a plate for Victoria, then the hashbrowns.

“Grab a spoon,” Victoria said, “and you can help yourself from my plate.”

“I’ll go let Zy know you’re awake,” Lutia said.

A few minutes later, Lutia returned with her own husband. “Any more nightmares last night?” Ja’val asked.

“Nope. My babies and the puppies were keeping them at bay.”

“We ‘tect Mommy,” Ky’nayth nodded.

Ja’val smiled at the kids then sat across from Victoria. “Your husband wants both me and Becket to run some comprehensive tests.”

“We’ll be back on Terra 2 in a few days, can’t it wait?” Victoria sighed.

“Yes, I just wanted to warn you. And to let you know that we’re all concerned and we’re all praying for you.”

Victoria smiled, “Thanks. I’m sure it’s nothing, just bad dreams at the worst time.”

The day was uneventful. Work on the suite over the garage continued, the kids played in their playhouse, and the dogs ran around playing with the kids, with each other, or checking in on the adults. For dinner, Victoria fixed steaks, loaded baked potatoes, and all the trimmings. Everyone enjoyed it after another long day of work.

That night, Victoria slept well with no nightmares. Her husband, however, was restless and a gut feeling, one he was known for, began edging its way into his consciousness. Something bad was about to happen. He knew it.

October 12, 2120

The next morning, Zy’nayth pulled the Rayth, the E:A men, and Be’atta, who was part of the Alpha Team, together and let them know that he, too, felt something was wrong.

“Victoria’s nightmares are rubbing off on you,” Chris said.

Zy’nayth shook his head, “No. I have come to know this feeling all too well. When asked before if I sensed anything, I said no and that was true. This time, that feeling is here and I sense it.”

“To put it in basic wording, something bad’s going to happen, right?” Kaven asked.

“I am afraid so.”

“I don’t like when you get those,” John said.

“You?” Ja’val replied, “I’ve known him for five thousand years, imagine what I’ve been through with these feelings of his.”

“I’ve known him for double that time,” Ny’van said, waving off Ja’val’s remark. “What do you need us to do? I can head back to Kiva.”

Zy’nayth sighed, “You know that these issues do not necessarily come up immediately. I do not wish to ruin anyone’s time here. I just wanted to inform you that I believe something is going to happen. I do not know when or where or how. For now, we will just continue as normal until, hopefully, I can better sense where this is going to happen instead of after it does.”

“I’d better head back to Terra 2 in that case,” Vince said. “I can get our people on high alert.”

“It is probably not necessary,” Zy’nayth said as Vince stood.

“Your army is ready to go at a moment’s notice. My military are, but I have quite a few civilians that need a little push to get ready to bug out. I don’t want to go, I’ve enjoyed being here, but I think it’s prudent if I’m on Terra 2.”

“I would actually feel more comfortable if you were there,” Zy’nayth nodded in agreement. “Thank you. Kol’non send some Rayth from the ship orbiting Terra 2 to the city-ship. They may be needed. Twenty of them.”

John looked at Zy’nayth. Usually when he sent Rayth, for whatever reason, it was at most five or six. Immediately he shifted gears and was in military mode. Chris also picked up on just how strongly Zy’nayth was worried, and he too began going over various contingencies in his mind as to what to do if they got stuck on Earth, if they were on the city-ship, or anything in between.

“Keep me in the loop if your feeling gets worse,” Vince said as Kol’non was already in the process of calling the Commander of the warship orbiting Terra 2. “I should be back there in ten minutes. Just need to grab my duffle.”

“Sorry to ruin your time off,” Zy’nayth said.

“I’d rather have it ruined and my team safe than to stay here if an attack happens. I’ll signal you or John when I’m back on Terra 2.” Vince left the living room and ran up to the attic to get his things. He, like John, Chris, and Be’atta, never fully unpacked anything. He just had to grab a few items and shove them into his duffle bag or rucksack, then he hauled them to the bridge portal.

Zy’nayth looked at Chris, David, and John, but included Becket in his question. “If something should happen here and we are not able to bridge out, do you know of a place where we could go? Isolated, out of the way?”

“Shouldn’t that perimeter keep people out?” Becket asked.

“People yes. But…” he shook his head, “Let me simply say that there is always a possibility of it failing. And these feelings I get, though I have not proven it, usually stem from sensing emotions of Rayth, not humans. I do not think Earth has anything that can break through the barrier when it is at full strength, but Rayth…a warship could.”

“We know what you’re sensing isn’t coming from these guys here,” Chris said, nodding to Ny’van, Kol’non, and Ja’val, “so you’re sensing Rayth from another galaxy? Your abilities are that strong?”

“I cannot truly answer that. There could be Rayth in a ship orbiting Earth. Or perhaps because I am on a planet with billions of humans, I am picking up something from them. I do not have much experience around such a large population of humans.”

“We should know if there’s a ship in orbit, or in the system,” Kol’non said. “We didn’t bring one this time, but still Ja’val’s satellite system should detect a Raythian ship in the area.”

“Should, yes,” Ja’val frowned as he pulled out his tablet, “let’s see what I can see.”

“I’ll send for a ship to head this way,” Kol’non said.

“The Third Ship,” Zy’nayth specified. There is no need to send for the flagship or Second Ship. I cannot commit to it being something that will happen here, and my duty is to protect my own people first, yet, I want a good ship here to watch over things,” Zy’nayth said. “We should talk to the ladies now. They need to be prepared if we have to suddenly leave.”

The women, minus Be’atta, had been outside, trying to keep their minds occupied by playing games with the kids or running the dogs through their agility course. But when they saw Vince making an abrupt departure, they knew something was wrong. Then Zy’nayth called them in to join them in the living room.

“It may not affect anything here on Earth,” Zy’nayth said after explaining the situation. “But I want us to be prepared if we must leave suddenly and cannot leave by way of the bridge portal. That being said, if something happens to my homeworld, I want Ja’val and Ny’van to stay here, partially to protect my family and partially to be in a safe location. If Kiva is hit, I must go. That is my duty.”

It was then that both Zy’nayth’s and Kol’non’s comlinks buzzed. It was the Second Commander who was currently in command of the Raythian flagship. He informed his superiors that the Rayth homeworld of Kiva was under attack.

Zy’nayth stood and headed across the room, already giving orders. Then John’s comlink buzzed. It was Vince. He had arrived on Terra 2, the Rayth from the orbiting ship had teleported in just as he crossed the portal. But as soon as he dropped his bags in his office, the attack on Terra 2 started.

Then as Ja’val started his scan of the space around Earth, his eyes went wide, “Rayth warships. Came in fast, just got the signal from the satellites in the system,” he said and tapped through a few screens. “Headed straight here.”

Zy’nayth tapped into John’s conversation with Vince as Ja’val began using his satellite data to find out if there were more ships incoming. “This is a coordinated attack,” Zy’nayth said, “my world, Earth, and Terra 2. I cannot afford to send any ships to help you, general, the one in orbit will stay. Get everyone inside of the city-ship and bring shields to full. Do not bother to cloak, you need all energy diverted to shields.”

“Already on it. Simon’s ready to put up shields once the shuttles are in dock. I could use my Alpha Team.”

Zy’nayth nodded to John, “Sending John and Kaven. Our warship in the area should be getting the attackers’ attention.”

“I’m headed back,” Becket said, “They’ll need another doctor if they get hit.”

Chris began to head out to get his things when Zy’nayth grabbed his arm and shook his head as he continued talking to Vince, “Christopher should stay here with Alessa and Maressa. Right now, it is safer here than there. We are remote and they do not know, correction, hopefully the rebels do not know where this estate is located. I will head to the flagship. First Commander you have the Second Ship.”

“I’ll head to Terra 2,” Be’atta said, “I won’t be much use on a Rayth ship, but I can protect people on Terra 2.”

Kol’non sighed, “I would rather you were with me, but I understand.”

“You’ll need me on the flagship,” Ja’val said to Zy’nayth.

“You have a wife and baby to care for.”

“You have a wife and two children,” Ja’val frowned.

“You are staying here.” Zy’nayth said in his “this is an order” voice. Chris pulled his father into a huddle, planning out what to do and where to go if they had to leave. Ideas were quickly tossed around.

“I’m going back,” Janice said, “like Becket said, they’re going to need the medical help.”

Zy’nayth nodded, “John, Kaven, Becket, Be’atta, and Janice are all heading back. They are gathering their things and will bridge over in ten, if not sooner.”

“I’m going too,” Amelia said.

“No. You will not be required there,” Zy’nayth said. “Second Commander, I will assume command of the flagship when I arrive. I must arrange things here first.”


“Out.” The communications to all parties were cut off. The groups that were headed back to Terra 2 were already returning from upstairs with their packs. Zy’nayth prayed for everyone’s safety, then quick hugs were given, and they ran to the barn to bridge out.

“Christopher, David, I will be relying on the two of you to get everyone to a safe place if you must leave here. Ja’val will monitor the situation here on Earth. Lutia, Alessa, Amelia, do not worry. I know what Christopher is able to do. I also know that Ny’van and Ja’val are rather capable in combat situations. He knelt down and drew his two children into his arms. “You two are in charge of the puppies. Do what your mother tells you. Remember that I love you very much and that I am very proud of you. Pray always.”

“Daddy, no get hurted,” Mik’kenna said, hugging him fiercely. “Please no get hurted. I think of Mommy nightmare and maybe it mean you get hurted. No get hurted. Please!”

“I ‘gree with Sissy, no get hurted,” Ky’nayth said, in tears. “No lose you. I no lose you and no lose Mommy. You no get hurted.”

“I will do my best. I will be praying for you. I am sorry that I must go. I would rather stay and protect you here, but our people need me and I must do what I can to help Terra 2. Once I have things in order there, I will come as quickly as I can to help you.”

Both kids told him that they loved him and would pray for him. After more hugs he stood back up and wrapped his arms around his wife. “My heart, never forget.”

“I won’t. I couldn’t.” She fought back her tears as she clung to him. “Be safe, Zy. I love you. We’ll be fine here. Focus on what you need to.” She pulled away and quickly refreshed the little four-inch braid in his hair, their symbol of being woven together. Then she gave him a passionate kiss. “I love you. Forget being the High Chancellor and be the Supreme Commander. Go do your thing.”

With another quick kiss and words of love, he ran to the bridge portal and found himself on the Raythian Flagship in seconds.

“Receiving,” Ja’val said moments later. “Ten warships here now. Central Command was just hit. All contact with them is gone.” After another minute, he was shaking his head, “Washington D.C., London, Hong Kong, Berlin, Tokyo. How’d they get past my satellites? Seeing what I can find out about damage.”

“Try to find out if President Stewart is unharmed,” Zy’nayth said. “I need you to make sure that perimeter stays up and figure out how many ships they have and how they obtained information on the location of Terra 2 and Earth. I want to know why our satellites failed to detect them. First Commander, status?”

“Three warships near Gahash confirmed. I’ve deployed two to deal with them. One at Farvosk, sending a frigate. Confirmed twenty ships at Jarstal. I’m on my way there with two other warships.”

“I will join you when I am done dealing with these ships around Kiva.”

“This ship can handle them, don’t worry about coming here,” Kol’non said. “Weapons online, when we come into range, fire at will. Navigation…” his voice broke off as Zy’nayth switched channels.

“Second Science Commander,” Zy’nayth said and immediately got a reply, “report on damage to the Kiva,” he said and looked at his Second Communications Commander who had just taken one of the secondary workstations, “Make contact with the High Council members. I need to know if they are safe. First Communications, do you have a frequency for these rebel ships yet?”

“Just unlocked it, sir.”

“Open it up.”

“Communications opened, sir,” he replied as Zy’nayth listened to the preliminary report regarding Kiva. It was brief and basically over as Zy’nayth began to speak.

“This is the High Chancellor and Supreme Commander of the Raythian Space Fleet and Army. To all commanders attacking the Raythian Empire, Terra 2, and Earth, surrender now or face total destruction. You have three minutes to comply.”

“You don’t have enough firepower to make good on your threat, little brother.”

Ja’val and Ny’van, listening in from Earth, looked at each other, “Impossible,” Ja’val said, then motioned to Chris, “Start getting things packed, we’re not staying. If that is Koh’vash…we have to go! Get packed, hurry.”

“To the imposter pretending to be my brother,” Zy’nayth said, “you have no idea what firepower I truly possess. You have two minutes forty-five seconds.”

“I am not an imposter. The man you killed was a clone. Now surrender and give me back my throne. I’ll halt the attacks on Earth and Terra 2, even Kiva, and I may just let you live.”

“You have two minutes, twenty-seven seconds,” Zy’nayth replied. “You cannot win against me. If you truly are my brother, you would know this. Your clone did not and look what happened to him.”

“Clone?” Ny’van asked Ja’val, “I didn’t think we were ever successful in cloning a fully functional Rayth? Certainly not one who could have fooled me and Zy’nayth.”

Ja’val sighed, “I didn’t think we were either. Not before all cloning was banned in any case. They can’t have that kind of tech…” he groaned, “They shouldn’t have tech that can hide ships from my sensors.”

Chris looked at the ladies and his father, “Grab canned goods, things that won’t spoil and get them on Victoria’s cruiser. Fill up that trunk. Diapers, baby food, anything you think we’ll need. Pack up a few clothes and toys for the kids. Dad, let’s make sure we have plenty of weapons and ammo loaded.”

“Let me help ready the cruiser,” David replied, “I can be of more help with that. Ny’van, can you help Chris, I have a feeling you’re better suited for that?”

“Yes, of course,” he replied.

“Wait, there are weapons here? I mean, other than what you guys come with?” Victoria asked.

“You should see the hidden panels in the barn and tunnel,” Chris winked. “Your husband is very thorough. Ladies, are you comfortable with a gun?”

“I am,” Lutia said.

“Not so much,” Amelia replied.

“Me either,” Alessa replied, “that’s your job.”

“Did he stock stunners?” Ny’van asked.

“Yep. We’ll give them stunners and a handgun. I know they know how to shoot the handguns, but they’re just not comfortable with it.”

“Daddy show us stunner,” Ky’nayth said. “Me and Sissy know how to use. Please give us stunners we help ‘tect everyone.”

Victoria shook her head at the idea but Chris ignored her. “It’ll be good for each of you to have one. I’ll give you a quick refresher on how to use them.”

“Are you sure?” Victoria asked.

“Hey, they’re their father’s children. It’s probably second nature to them.”

“They’re only three,” she shook her head but let the topic go. “Guys, you do realize that my cruiser is a personal cruiser? There are eight adults, two kids, two babies, and seven dogs we need to think about, on top of supplies that we’re squishing into a cruiser built to hold only six people.”

“We’ll make it work,” David said, carrying a box of groceries he’d already pulled from the kitchen.

“Tracking devices,” Ja’val spoke up, “everyone get one on. Lutia, there are a number of them in my pack.”

“I have plenty for me and the kids,” Victoria said and ran up to the master bedroom.

“General Cavanaugh, this is Ja’val, I’ll be your main contact for now. How are things holding up?”

“All facilities on the mainland have been destroyed, at least from what we can tell, scanners are down. We took one hit, but they seemed to stop aiming at us after that. Instead, they’re teleporting down. Appears they want to take our ship from the inside.”

“The shield should have kept them out.”

“We were flooded with Rayth before we got the shield up; we had to wait for the shuttles to get in. John’s coordinating the resistance. I have men out there…if I drop shields we’ll end up with more enemies inside.”

“Dr. Harris, are you there?” Ja’val asked as he hit the code for Simon’s comlink.

“Yeah, any help you can give me would be great.”

“Go to the science station; workstation two.”

“Already there. Tablet also connected.”

“Sending you a program. It’s what I used after the last attack. It will point you to where the Rayth are. You’ll be able to figure it out in two seconds. However, I need you to route it to John’s scanner. I’ll walk you through that. When you’ve received the file and started running it, let me know. Keeping your on comlinks, Vince, you too.” Another code was hit, “Colonel, Kaven, Be’atta, I hope you have your scanners.”

“Got em,” John said.

“Simon will be connecting you to a Rayth detecting program.”

“We’ve got friendly Rayth here,” Kaven said.

Zy’nayth’s voice cut into the conversation, seemingly able to listen to numerous conversations at once, “How many?”

“Fifty-three,” Vince replied. “Twenty came down just seconds before I got here. Still working on getting a headcount on the others. I don’t know who or how many we lost on the mainland attack. Communications limited to inside the city-ship. Simon’s team is working on it.”

“John, is your team familiar enough with who those other thirty-three are?” Zy’nayth asked.

“I made it a point to be.”

“Science, send him their comlink codes, let him communicate with them. Fire!”

“Nice shot, little brother,” Koh’vash said. “A trash ship. You haven’t yet seen my special battlecruiser. I did manage to keep one for myself.”

“Good for you. Is Chan’dala still alive or was that a clone as well?” Zy’nayth said, then switched comm channels, “Third Commander, are you on Terra 2?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Work with John, capture the rebels, destroy if you must.”

“Understood,” the Third replied.

“Third, this is First Science, do I have men there?”

“I believe so, but I have not yet seen them.”

“If there is, send one to adjust the shields to allow them to take a shuttle for search and rescue. Also to fix their communications systems.”

“I see a Science Officer now. Out.”

“No, that was her,” Koh’vash was saying back to Zy’nayth, “You did me a huge favor getting rid of that woman.”

“I am glad I could be of assistance,” Zy’nayth replied as his eyes scanned his control panels.

“Target locked,” the Weapons Commander said.

“Weapons to ready.”

“Oh, what is this? No offer of mercy? No one last chance for them to surrender?” Koh’vash asked.

“I gave your entire rebel fleet three minutes. They will all be destroyed,” Zy’nayth said. “You seem to have forgotten the one thing, big brother, I am very, very good at war. Fire!”



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